Odd Future (probably) sign, maintain creative control

OFWGKTA may have finally found a home in the corporate world AND somehow managed to do so without losing an ounce of control. It is being reported that Red Distribution/Sony Records will hold all the acts associated with Odd Future under one umbrella, while allowing the group to maintain 100% creative control over their music and careers. A statement issued by group’s manager can read below:

“It’s based on getting the distribution deal we’ve always envisioned that allows the group to “sign themselves” to their own company and keep their masters. They will have 100% creative control of all aspects of their music, art, and release schedule with no 3rd party participation in outside business. Freedom and ownership was the whole point. Red and Sony know that its in everyone’s best interest to maintain the group’s authenticity and control. They built it, they deserve it. There’s no cheesy hooks or fluorescent liquor product placements in the works.. It’s about to be fun.. and different.. “

We at UTG are excited for OFWGKTA, but couldn’t resist posting this video:

James Shotwell
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