REVIEW: There For Tomorrow – The Verge

This review has taken me longer to write than nearly anything else we’ve released this year. This isn’t exactly a complaint, in fact, I think it should be taken as a compliment. Many albums that come through our door are quickly labeled as good or bad because, in reality, a lot of music is incredibly simple. Bands generally either get it or they don’t, but There For Tomorrow is another beast altogether. Having completely shed all the “image” associated with their former sound (and looks), the group has resurfaced with The Verge, a collection of mature, fully realized songs that not only challenges listeners, but provides one of the most exciting experience you’ll have with an album this year.

Things have changed in the world of There For Tomorrow and, unlike many bands, the changes seem to be for the better. As anyone familiar with the band’s discography will surely notice as the title track begins, there is barely anything on this record reminiscent of the young, mildly angst-laden lads we met on A Little Faster. Yes, It is still the band’s unique brand of quote/unquote “pop rock,” but there’s a sense of maturity and experience laced through every note and especially vocalist’s Maika Maile’s voice that quickly forces you to shed any pre-conceived notion of the band you had. They’re still the band you love, only now fronted by men instead of boys and the music, as well as the lyrics (which rarely, if ever touch on such cliche topics as broken hearts and “staying true”) represent this fact through and through.

Once you overcome how decidedly different The Verge is, enjoying all it has to offer becomes one of the most rewarding musical experience you will have this year. From the extensive depth and raw feel of each track, to the soulful melodies Maile delivers again and again, the album is everything someone could ask for from an artist, without all the extra “filler” and “flare” people try to add. This is real, passionate music and hopefully the masses will not only recognize this, but celebrate it in mass (preferably by choosing to actually buy it).

I thought a lot about going in depth with this review, analyzing each and every moment for messages and observations, but in the end I felt it would be the wrong move. You see, The Verge is one of those rare albums that almost demands your full attention throughout. Rarely, if ever, will you find yourself entirely bored or uninterested in a song. I’m not saying they are all platinum hits, but I would be lying if I said I could remember disliking any specific track.

This is an experience you need in your life. Don’t just journey to The Verge, experience it.

Score: 9/10
Review written by: James Shotwell

James Shotwell
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2 Responses to “REVIEW: There For Tomorrow – The Verge”

  1. Lynn says:

    this is amazing <3 I love the Verge

  2. MelyoraMel says:

    I’ve been looking forward to this album so much. I read lot of comments by people who loved their EP but didn’t like A Little Faster, and don’t like Hunt Hunt Hunt and Joyride fron their new album. I dont get them, with every song I hear I become more addicted, so at this point Im quite obsessed.
    I think they are bettering themselves, I adored A Little Faster, and their new songs of the Verge, gosh, it’s amazing. Ordered the CD, hope to have it soon.