Brand New Heading Into The Studio In April, New Album Planned

Brand New

Brand New‘s Jesse Lacey was interviewed on the group’s last UK tour and it has been confirmed they will be hitting the studio in April! The intended release date for their new album looks to be late 2012. Please head through the link to read the entire article and check out a snippet of it by simply looking below. Get excited!

So you started writing new material about a year ago?

“Well we probably started writing new material as soon as we were done with the last record, it’s just lately we’ve all been exploring our peripheral projects outside of ‘Brand New’. It’s been nice to get back together again, because you’ll hear something that Brian’s done, or Vinni’s done, you almost get jealous of it, because you wish you had been part of that, so we’re definitely excited to get back in the studio together. We have studio time in April but we’re not really sure how that will turn out, unfortunately for our fans, it’s really ‘see how it goes’ for now. But we are intent on getting music out, we’d like to do it before the end of the year.”

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