Justin Timberlake Teases New Music

Pop superstar turned actor, Justin Timberlake, set the media on fire today with a tweet that lead many to believe a new song would be premiered this afternoon.

Thursday, January 10th, 2013 at 9:01 am PST…

He followed up twelve hours later with a new tweet, this time with a link and a message that read “To whom it may concern…I think I’M READY! #JT2013.” This led to a video briefly touching on the absence of JT from the music world since his smash record FutureSex/LoveSounds, depicting a confident JT walking into a studio, fully prepared.

Replacing the finished video is a countdown which will end in 4 days time. What will be revealed can only be speculated on. We’re ready and hoping for record details.

The video can be seen here or below.

[youtube http://youtu.be/I3eZ5sanyiI]

Jacob Tender
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