Jason Bateman Claims ‘Arrested Development’ Movie Still At Least A Year Away

The return of Arrested Development via Netflix next month is one of the most unique (and hyped) television events in the last decade. It’s the first time, at least to our knowledge, that a show was cancelled for more than half a decade before being brought back to life in a new format (direct-to-consumer/Netflix model), and star Jason Bateman says there is still hope for even more AD goodness in the future.

Speaking with I Am Rogue while promoting his movie Disconnected, the conversation eventually turned to the topic of Arrested Development. IAR asked if the once rumored movie was still going to become a reality and Bateman replied, “I don’t even think they’ve started making a deal for that.” Of course, it’s been well reported that the upcoming episodes set to premiere on Netflix were designed by creator Mitchell Hurwitz to lead into a movie, which is probably why Bateman quickly added, “One doesn’t really work without the other.”

“Unfortunately there’s probably gonna be about a year, maybe year and a half, between the two,” he continued. “So you’ll end up having to watch these episodes again. It wasn’t perfectly scheduled, but we were just happy to get together as soon as we could.”

Arrested Development returns to Netflix on May 26. We’ll update you when more information regarding the possibility of an AD movie is confirmed.


James Shotwell
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