Retail Chain Target Launches VOD Platform ‘Target Ticket,’ Offers Free Movie Downloads

Competition in the video on demand market continues to grow this morning as retail giant Target has thrown their hat into the ring with the debut of their new service, Target Ticket.

Dubbed a ‘family friendly digital video service,’ Target Ticket launched this morning with thousands of new and old film titles ready for consumption. According to the press release, Target partnered with Common Sense Media, a San Francisco-based non-profit organization best known for its reviews of movies and television shows to develop the platform. Through the partnership, Target Ticket gives guests access to thousands of reviews, making it easier for parents to choose the right content for their children. In addition to an overall quality rating, guests can set filters according to age-appropriateness, level of violence, profanity, MPAA and TV Parental Guidelines, putting guests in control of the content they deem appropriate for viewing. Parents can customize a profile for each family member, allowing multiple viewers to watch their preferred content simultaneously on different devices.

“Many of our guests told us that streaming and viewing videos is complicated, so we created Target Ticket to simplify the experience,” said Anne Stanchfield, divisional merchandise manager of entertainment, Target. “Target Ticket will help guests who are looking for a kid-safe, easy-to-use service that mirrors what they have come to expect from Target’s entertainment offerings – a premium selection of the newest titles plus exclusive content, all at an affordable price.”

Target Ticket is currently available on PC and MAC, Android and iOS, Roku®, Xbox, Samsung televisions and Blu-Ray players, with availability on additional devices in the coming months. Guests can visit to access the service or download the Target Ticket app through the App Store or Google Play. People who sign up for Target Ticket today today will receive 10 free downloads on select titles. More information on that offer can be found here.

The market for streaming services is becoming increasingly crowded, but Target may have enough going for them with Target Ticket to make a noticeable impact. The services promises ‘next day TV,’ including access to hit HBO programming like Game Of Thrones and/or True Blood, and also promises no subscription or sign-up fees. That isn’t much, but it’s something wholly unique to them. Will it be enough? Comment below and let us know your thoughts.

James Shotwell
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