MUSIC VIDEO: Gemini Wired – “What Now”

Boston-based hip-hop/pop artist Gemini Wired is a passionate anti-bullying advocate, inspired by her own experiences going through school, as well as the endless unfortunate cases of bullying seen daily in the media and elsewhere.

Late last year, she released a music video, directed by Seng2KX, for her single, “What Now.” The track serves as a posi-anthem and beacon of hope and reassurance for those stifled by the effects of bullying. Beginning with actual, disturbing footage, followed by a scenario played out in a high school, filmed at the Dorchester Academy, along with clips of Gemini laying down the vocals in the studio, the video for “What Now” displays the song’s message in a relatable and influential manner.

You can read a statement from Gemini Wired after the jump explaining her inspiration for the song and its accompanying visuals followed by the video itself.

“I go by the name Gemini Wired and I myself have been bullied in the past. I’ve always been an advocate even as a kid. Bullying hurts, and it can make you severely depressed. Nobody deserves to be made fun of, picked on, or beat up because of who they are. I know exactly how much more it can hurt mentally than it can physically at times. I believe it’s crucial to report it whenever we see it occur before it becomes worse. If we can prevent by doing so it’s always a win for the potential victims.

The message behind my video “What Now” is to encourage everyone to go for whatever you believe in no matter how many times others may put you down or try to get in your way. We won’t let them. These bullies cannot beat us. My video also represents the consequences for people hurting others and how it always goes back to karma. I want my “What Now” song & video to inspire as many people as possible. There’s kids that have so much to offer and don’t know it because they want to hide their talents or intelligence. I don’t want them to be ashamed anymore. I want them to know people like myself and all these organizations have their backs. “What Now!”

Buy the single on iTunes!

Brian Leak
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