Eluusif Claims That ‘Aliens Do It Better’

Eluusif, as his moniker might suggest, is an enigma of sorts in the realm of EDM. The masked, London-based producer has garnered an impressive following with his massive sounds, and his forthcoming, 6-track release will certainly help continue that trend, if not for the music itself, at least for the comically titled tracks (see “Hair Like Skrillex” and “Justin Bieber is an Android”).

On top of that, you really can’t argue with the album’s title because you simply don’t know for a fact that they don’t. Maybe Eluusif knows something we’ve yet to discover, but after spending many years with The X-Files and several seasons of Ancient Aliens, I’m inclined to agree. The fact that I can’t refrain from dancing to any track on Aliens Do It Better certainly doesn’t hurt either. You can stream all six tracks for yourself over at Eluusif’s Bandcamp before the album’s official release on April 8 and see if you have the same problem. Well, it’s hardly a problem really.

You can also check out a few music videos after the jump that feature some wild animation to get entranced by.

Brian Leak
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