Denzel Curry Continues To Gain Momentum With “Zone 3” Video

2015 may very well be the year of Denzel Curry. The rapper, who was born and raised in south Florida, has been on everyone’s watch list since the release of his album, Nostalgic 64, at the tail end of 2013. Curry stayed on the radar throughout 2014 by touring and building his brand off the continued success of Nostalgic, which is only now beginning to reach most mainstream rap fans. This may very well be the last news post we write about Curry before he’s the topic of every hip-hop conversation, so consider this your final notice that the early adopter bandwagon will soon reach maximum capacity.

The latest move in Curry’s rise to the top is the release of the official video for the Nostalgic 64 fan favorite “Zone 3.” The clip features Curry walking the streets he calls home, as well as several dramatized encounters with law enforcement. There is also a computer generated segment that places Curry behind the wheel in a Grand Theft Auto like car chase (running from the law – again). It’s all executed beautifully, thanks in part to the frequent use of drone cameras, and the visuals pair well with the song itself. Curry touches on crime, as well as the numerous cases of police killing a black youth without facing any penalty for their acts. You can view the video below:

Nostalgic 64 is available now wherever music is sold.

James Shotwell
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