Fall Out Boy Stream “The Kids Aren’t Alright”

The release of Fall Out Boy‘s follow-up to Save Rock And Roll is inching closer by the day, and this morning we have another new song to experience, debate, love, and (for some of us) hate.

“The Kids Aren’t Alright” is the fourth new song to surface from Fall Out Boy in recent months, but it’s the first we can confirm beyond the shadow of a doubt for FOB’s new record. It’s unclear where “Centuries” will end up, and we already know “Immortals” was created for Big Hero 6, but this track was written with the sole intention of landing a spot on the Chicago pop rock group’s new record. It’s a power-ballad, but not in the “Headfirst Slide” kind of way. Stream the song below and experience the magic for yourself:

Fall Out Boy’s new album, American Beauty / American Psycho, hits stores on January 20.

James Shotwell
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One Response to “Fall Out Boy Stream “The Kids Aren’t Alright””

  1. K. Bennett says:

    I am actually really digging this. As much as it sounds like new Fall Out Boy… I hear more bits of an old FOB song in this than I have in a long time. So you guys know, I am seeing track listings on some other sites. Don’t know if it is legit or not. Just letting you know.