You’re Going To Really, Really, Really Like The New Carly Rae Jepson Single

Carly Rae Jepsen may have just done the impossible. Though many believed it could never be done, it seems the Canadian vocalist has finally recorded a song that may surpass the catchiness and lasting popularity of “Call Me Maybe.”

Earlier this morning, March 2, Carly Rae Jepsen shared a new song with the world titled “I Really Like You.” The sugar-coated pop anthem offers a high energy tale of love, or at least a crush, and the rush of excitement that follows that first encounter with someone special. The hook may be the simplest chorus of the last year, and it’s definitely ripe for parody, but if you’re able to walk away from the song stream below and know you won’t be singing the song to yourself in a matter of minutes then you’re far stronger than anyone on our staff. This song is a hit, through and through. Click below and discover “I Really Like You” for yourself:

I know this song will soon be stuck in my head, and I already hate how frustrating that will grow to be in no time at all. Still, I applaud Carly Rae Jepsen for sticking around long enough to strike gold once more. So many people in her position would take their big hit and retreat to the shadows. Jepsen wants longevity, and with songs like this she will get it in time. Her new album hasn’t been announced yet, but rest assured we’ll post the details as soon as they become available.

James Shotwell
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