This Romantic Tragedy Are Self-Releasing Upcoming Album

A few days ago the Las Vegas-based post hardcore outfit known as This Romantic Tragedy announced that they would be releasing a brand new EP, titled The Illusion Of Choice. The EP is currently set to be released November 19. Earlier today the group made a statement to fans confirming that they were 100% self-releasing this new EP. They indicated they are not out to seek fame or fortune, and that they are fueled by their fans. You can read the entire statement by taking a look below the jump.

Be on the lookout for some more updates from the group in the near future. They haven’t revealed any new songs from the EP yet, so be sure to check in again.

For those wondering, we will be self-releasing our new record! We’ve been working very hard in our personal lives to make this happen. We want to thank you all for your uncharted support & patience for our music. Truly we are a band that is solely fueled by you, the listener. We don’t do this for money, fame, or anything of materialistic value. To us, music will always be viewed as art & emotion expressed through sound.

Get ready to hear the best music we’ve ever written. This is the next step for us as a band & we have a lot to prove in this industry.

Much peace & love, TRT♥

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