Rest In Peace: Tom Clancy (1947-2013)

We do not usually cover books on UTG, but when the world loses someone as prolific as Tom Clancy we feel something must be said.

News is rolling in that world famous author Tom Clancy is dead at the age of 66. There’s been no word yet on the cause of death but his publisher confirmed to The New York Times that he passed away last night.

Known best for his work with spy thrillers, Clancy is leaving behind a body of work that will continue to entertain people for generations to come. That does not apply solely to books of course, but to movie and video game adaptations as well. Some of his work that has already been given the big screen treatment includes, The Hunt For Red October, Patriot Games, and The Sum Of All Fears. We highly recommend all three.

Clancy is survived by his wife Alexandra Marie Llewellyn, whom he had met in 1997. Our thoughts are with his friends and family.

James Shotwell
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