Wayne Coyne Breaks Our Hearts, Announces Ke$ha Collaboration Is Cancelled

The world suffered a most grievous loss this day. I don’t know what it feels like to have Christmas cancelled, but I can’t imagine it feels much worse than this.

You may remember that a collaborative album from The Flaming Lips and Ke$ha – who had previously come together on Lips album The Flaming Lips and Heady Fwends – was announced earlier this year by Wayne Coyne, who bestowed it with the dubious mash-up title Lip$ha. My heart raced in the moment I first read that, for that vortex of weirdness, monstrous choruses, and glitter was everything I wanted from life.

Well friends, the dream is over. Pack up the party supplies, put away the bottles of Jack, and wash all the glorious grit from your bodies with an ice cold shower. Lip$ha is no more.

“As of now …sadly there will be no Lip$ha…. I can’t say why… It is sad..” tweeted Coyne.

Weep for the loss of what could have been. We may never truly appreciate just how bizarrely beautiful this album would’ve been, regardless of whether it would’ve been an instant classic or a mind-blowing trainwreck. It would’ve been a truly singular occurrence either way, one we’ll no longer be witnesses to. At least Coyne’s retweets of fan reactions were enjoyable, followed by a random Instagram of trees that “are wicked red this morning!!!!!!!” To Coyne’s credit, those trees are pretty wicked red.

Tyler Hanan
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