Band: NONE
Title: Desperately Seeking Paul McCartney
Genre: Comedy-Documentary
Release: 09/02
Distributor: MVD
If you’re you’re anything like me, The Beatles and everything connected to them, always gets your attention. As soon as we heard about this disc coming out, we jumped on it in a heartbeat as we’ve never been ones to turn down learn more about some of the most talented people to ever grace the face of the Earth. However, having sat through this less than inspiring piece of work, I wish we would maybe thought twice before diving in as it’s becoming apparent that people know anything associated with the lads from Liverpool will sell, regardless of how good it actually is.
Desperately Seeking Paul McCartney is a comedic documentary that aims to be about one women looking for Paul, but turns into one director trying to make a quick buck. Paul McCartney proposed to Ruth Anson at a press conference in the 1960’s and here we are, 40 years later, and she’s trying to find her long lost Paul. She shares this story with anyone who will listen and gets a film crew to follow her as she attempts to track down the “cute” Beatle. What has its high moments, slowly becomes almost sad as we capture this women, who seems to be in a mid life crisis, screaming her story for anyone to hear. Add a random appearance from porn legend Ron Jeremy and some reality show like confessional shots, and you’ve got a mixed bag of decent ideas gone awry.
It’s not just the story here, but the overall feel of the film. The camera work is very amateur and the features and even subtitles on the disc all fall short of standard films. The subtitles don’t work quite right and make reading everything hard, while the features have “Beatles” type songs as they couldn’t afford the rights to the real ones and that’s really the biggest highlight.
Overall, this film feels like it began with a great concept and fall downward from there. I couldn’t tell if the comedy was from the interactions with people or the director poking fun at Anson. The technical work is sloppy and it al feels undercooked. It’s no all bad though, there is some funny moments and the story is interesting to say the least. Just do me a favor and approach this one with caution.
**Written by: James Shotwell**
Grade: 5/10
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