Falling Up – Fangs!

Artist: Falling Up16190
Album: Fangs!
Genre: Rock
Label:  BEC

Fangs!, by Falling Up is extremely well written, vocal driven rock. I wasn’t familiar with the band at all going in, but I was definitely won over afterwards. Everything just seemed to fall into place perfectly with Fangs! From top to bottom, the album ebbs and flows, building in intensity and then falling back. It really draws you into the music, and never gets to be boring or too much to handle.

Like I said, the songs are very much driven by the vocals. The songs are laced with harmonies and melodies that blend into the music perfectly. I usually don’t like it when a band uses weird electronic effects on their vocals, but I actually enjoyed when it was used here. Some of my favorite moments were when group vocal parts, like in the song, “Streams Of Woe At Acheron.” They add an element to the music that makes it feel really epic.

The instrumentation on the album also helps to add to it. The guitar tone is right-on; it sounds perfect for what Falling Up is trying to achieve here. The same goes for the drums; they sound big and full when they need to, and then get intense when the occasion calls for it. Piano and synth are throughout, and fit flawlessly with the rest of the music.

The only thing that makes me think twice about loving this band unconditionally is the nagging question in the back of my mind: Can Falling Up pull all of this off live? Some of the vocal lines are either really thick or have some cool effect on them, not easily done live. But that’s definitely not going to stop me from liking this album.  If you’re a fan of Thrice, this is going to be something you will want to check out. I recommend picking this album up the first chance you get.

*Written by: Kyle Viana*
Score: 9/10

James Shotwell
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