REVIEW: Palisades – I’m Not Dying Today

Artist: Palisades
Album: I’m Not Dying Today
Genre: Post-hardcore/pop-rock
Label: Rise Records

This album is indeed a curious thing. It features the most unlikely blending of musical genres I’ve come across in a while, and even more curiously it somehow gets all its conflicting elements to work. If you took a bit of Enter Shikari, a bit of A Day To Remember, sprinkles of various post-hardcore types and mashed them up in a synth kaleidoscope this might be the result. It’s stark and occasionally bizarre, but very enjoyable.

The album’s experiments with synthesizers give it a distinctly cinematic feel, adding layers to their sound and making it seem a lot bigger and bolder than it might otherwise be. Opening track “Disclosure” crafts an intriguing overture from samples, creating an ominous and absorbing atmosphere for the other instruments. The guitars do well in complementing this effect, as opposed to subjugating it – they add to the corrosive intensity of the sound and lend the song a certain vigour and toughness next to the wispy strands of synth. The vocals are delivered with a sombre, knowing tone to further cultivate a sense of alarm and a final string piece provides a beautifully stirring conclusion.

“Bury It” is more distinctive, yet erratic. The music incorporates a sample of a bell ringing for added gravity and dimension, with the guitars adding to a palpable sense of urgency. As the song continues, the various elements blur and create a slightly stupefying ensemble, one that may require a few listens to appreciate. The ordinary instruments seem intentionally oblivious to this background cacophony and take a more streamlined approach to balance things out. “Immortal” opens with a huge, emphatic group holler, swiftly followed by typically heavy and churning riffs.

“Seamless Ending” seems to be a bit more pained. After the opening notes start ploughing loftily in all directions, the song itself becomes more of a surging emotional yarn. Accordingly, it comes replete with a soaring chorus and plenty of harmonies. This actually makes it the most widely accessible track on the album, particularly for naysayers – everything feels effortless and natural and it avoids the overwrought tendencies that creep into some of the other songs.

“Wolves” also feels more straightforward. There’s less emphasis on the decorative elements and more on fashioning a properly heavy, rugged metal track. There are certain embellishments – including hints of piano for the opening verse – but they’re rather minimalistic compared to the previous tracks. This too has the organic feel of “Seamless Ending” and balances the two differing approaches well, managing to complement both.

Despite the slightly peculiar set up, Palisades have done very well with this EP. Their work is inventive and stimulating and their brave approach to genre-splicing deserves recognition. They’re not exactly up there with the masters of this craft, but I’m Not Dying Today is a kooky and enjoyable attempt to mix things up.

SCORE: 9/10
Review written by Grace Duffy

James Shotwell
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