RUMOR: New Material From UNDERMINDED On The Way

The internet is still going wild over rumors that Craig Owens may return to Chiodos, but there is another potential reunion tied into this story that has us pretty damn excited. One word: Underminded.

As many of you know, yesterday’s rumor regarding Owens’ potential return really took off earlier today when Chiodos announced the departure of vocalist Brandon Bolmer and drummer Tanner Wayne. Fans freaked over Bolmer, as his absence leaves the perfect setup for Owens to announce a return, but it’s the exit of Wayne that really got us thinking:

What do Chiodos need for Craig Owens to return? An open vocalist position.

What do Underminded need for another album to be possible? Nick Martin (D.R.U.G.S.) and Tanner Wayne to have time/availability to reform, write, and record.

Now a simple exercise in critical thinking is not enough to justify an entire post, so we set off to see if any truth could be found. What follows is a detailed account of a Twitter interaction which took place between UTG Editor James Shotwell, Nick Martin, and Tanner Wayne:

During the hunt, I tweeted:

“Can we get past the drama already so @NoDirectionHome can make another Underminded album (oh, and so Craig can rejoin Chiodos).”

A few minutes passed, a few retweets occurred, then Nick Martin (@NoDirectionHome) tweeted:

“@utgjames hit up @TANNERW4YNE. ¡Ya Basta! ;)

Never one to say no to a musician’s request, especially when discussing a band I love, I followed with the message:

@tannerw4yne This is my tweet to formally request you rejoin @NoDirectionHome and destroy the scene with a new UNDERMINDED album (please)

At this point, Tanner Wayne broke his silence with the message:

To which I replied:

“@TANNERW4YNE @nodirectionhome that is what I love to hear :) Now, to the studio!”

This bring us to the end of the conversation, which I will summarize in a single image:

At the time of this post, we are still waiting on an official announcement regarding the future of DRUGS, Craig Owens, and Underminded. Stay tuned to UTG for updates as they become available and kill time by watching this fantastic Underminded music video:

James Shotwell
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