OP-ED: Was Christofer Drew Out Of Line in his Bryan Stars Interview?

Christofer Drew of Never Shout Never has never been one to stay quiet about how he feels on any topic. Once again, that became very clear in a brand new interview with Bryan Stars, a 22 year old music interviewer with a knack for silly questions and a very loose style of conversation.

In the interview (which is a a whopping 40+ minutes long), Drew takes the opportunity to tell Bryan exactly how he feels about his technique and his choice of questions. He quite obviously hurt Bryan’s feelings. That much is concluded from the short crying scene edited into the tail end of the interview.

The fan reaction has been overwhelmingly one-sided as Drew loses followers on Twitter and bands call him out in disrespect, instead showing their support for Bryan.

Now, we are NOT taking sides on this issue. That must be made perfectly clear. That being said, we’d like to take an unbiased look at the interview and what was said. Here it goes…

Clearly Drew and his bandmates are not thrilled to do this interview. That is obvious right off the bat. While Chris does not always have the most positive demeanor, he took an annoyed stance right from the start. Going into a Bryan Stars interview isn’t exactly a surprise when it comes to the questions being asked, but normally a band member or band members take it for what it is.

Bryan dives right into his normal slew of silliness with questions like, “What would your porn star name be?” or “What is your favorite feature on Chris’ body?” This is where I’m normally reminded that I’m not a big fan of Bryan’s interview technique and I find something else to do (without comment). I think that same idea begins to cross the band’s mind. To be fair, though, Chris does say from the start, ever subtly, that they wish to talk about music, not silly things. In fact, throughout the entire interview, Drew keeps dropping hints that they should be talking about music, even referencing that they are in the studio. Bryan seemingly ignores these transitions and continues to ask his humor-filled queries.

At about 35 minutes into the video, Bryan is quieted by the now extremely annoyed Christofer Drew who begins to berate Stars for his interview tactics. This is the controversy. Is Drew in the right or is he being overly critical? Again, here is our unbiased opinion.

He is both right and wrong. Going into a Bryan Stars interview means one thing, pointless banter and irrelevant questions. Being their second interview, this must come as no surprise. I think they knew this going in and they had plans to speak up about it. Now, on Drew’s defense, Bryan Stars interviews are rather pointless. Despite saying in most interviews that it’s “all about the music,” Stars really does talk very little about music, rather focusing on questions surrounding teen love or physical appearance.

From a journalistic standpoint, this is rather rude and disrespectful to any band looking for a good outlet to share their passion for music to new people. In music, the focus SHOULD be on music and the process that goes into making it, not skinny jeans and haircuts. This is the point Drew drives home, but in a fashion that left much to be desired. He could have done this off camera, for one. That is just courtesy, even if you are annoyed. They also could have at any time simply stopped the interview, then told him why they decided to do so.

Instead, the bashed him on his own show and Stars, who likely knew the sympathy hits and interview like this would bring, posted it for all of his fans to see. Heck, the man trended world-wide on Twitter over the ordeal. It’s here we find issue with Stars. Sure, being honest and true to your fans is important, but starting drama by posting this isn’t the sort of attention you want. When it is “all about the music,” why would you want to hurt the musicians you were originally trying to help promote, even in the style Stars does it in. Sure, they made a fool out of you on your own dime (he drove 7 hours to do the interview), but if you take the arrogance and bitterness out of their words, you’re left with a good lesson.

This industry, beyond the music, is based in professionalism. Interviews require preparation, careful research, and intelligent questioning. That is what gets you noticed as a credible source of information. Perhaps that isn’t Bryan Stars’ intent, maybe he is fine with the goofiness and lack of reporting. That’s up to him, but what this interview really tells us is that some bands want their fans to know what’s going on, not what sort of underwear they choose to wear and why. Both sides have reasons to be upset at the other party, but we don’t appreciate the drama of young adults storming our timelines.

Watch the interview for yourself right below and give us your educated thoughts. Was Chris right to call out Bryan? (skip to 35 minutes if you’re on a time constraint)

EDIT: After reading reading through comments defending either party or calling out myself on bias towards either party, I’d like to say this.

I really think that NSN and their publicist (who likely set it up, not Drew himself) should have declined the interview or just asked it to end in a professional way. What they did to Bryan was very rude and discourteous. At the same time, however, despite his good intentions and unconventional style of interviewing, Bryan should have just scrapped the interview. Publishing it makes him no better than Christofer Drew.

Everyone has bad interviews sometimes, I have, other writers on Under The Gun, Absolutepunk, and AltPress have, it’s a part of industry life. Not everything goes the way you’d like it to. Bryan himself says that in his video and I fully agree. I think he understands. I think it’s better to learn from an interview like this one though, rather than “finishing it” with a few shots of you crying over it. That isn’t anyway to go about it. That doesn’t help anyone. It can only hurt. Sometimes you have to deal with jerk musicians or maybe they are just having a bad day, but in cases like that, you move on to the next interview and keep doing your thing, you grow. Maybe you even do things a bit different next time.

In short, the video shouldn’t have been posted, Chris’ people should have told him no, and we could continue just liking or disliking them for their music or interviews, not for ridiculous dramatic reasons like those that unfolded this week. On that, I think we can all agree.

Thanks for reading.

Jacob Tender
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157 Responses to “OP-ED: Was Christofer Drew Out Of Line in his Bryan Stars Interview?”

  1. Guest says:

    Bryan is a constant joke. He continue to dickride BVB, Blood On The Dance Floor, Deuce, and all the other bullshit artists in the scene.

    LOTS of bands don’t enjoy his bullshit, lots of bands deny him interviews. But he never tells you that, huh?

    Soak up all that Youtube money while it lasts, homie.

  2. Dylan Timms says:

    Bryan wants to have fun and make happy interviews and that’s what he does and NORMAL bands like that and have fun with it but nope not him and Bryan did start talking about “serious” questions but doesnt want the show to be boring so trys to inlighten the mood with some fun questions Never Shout Never i hope you read this and understand that you made a big stupid mistake and you deserve everything you get.
    P.S if you look at BryanStarsInterviews on Facebook and the comments of the video there are people commenting telling him that all is well and his fans still love him

  3. I think Christopher Drew is an amazing singer and song writer. I love him to death, I admire him so much and he is an inspiration to so many people, including myself. But what he did was so rude and made me want to punch him in the throat for being such a bubble brain. Almost that whole video was distasteful and I wanted to watch something else. BryanStars is a funny, fun, and different interviewer. I love how he asks the random and funny questions to actually get to know artists and show fans that the artists that are hard working, dedicated and very busy people can lighten up and have fun and be as random and weird as the questions. But I guess Chris wasn’t on the same page and totally screwed it up and made it a horrible experience for BryanStars. That is so unbelievable to me cause the Christopher Drew I knew was an amazing guy and still is. But changed too much for my liking. I hope Chris finds it in himself to apologize for his unnecessary actions and words. 

    I love you Chris but…what the hell happened to you? 

  4. Guest says:

    They both are wrong.

    Chris at the start asks for Music questions, and Bryan keeps going with the bullshit questions.
    He didnt make up the rumor about them, but he in someone conveyed it because he was apart of it.

  5. Guest says:

    these guys knew what they were getting into when they agreed for the interview because they have already been interviewed by him. That is where they are at fault. Yes the questions are funny and not serious but these guys are the first band that have been completely annoyed and disrespectful to him. 

    I’m fine with him posting the video but the crying scene and that whole ending should have been edited out

  6. Tyler says:

    That’s why Bryan is popular, he asks questions that other interviewers don’t. He gives fans of the bands a more goofy personal insight into the members life. People obviously know that they make music. Any information a normal interview produces can be found anywhere on the Internet. When you walk into a Bryanstars interview don’t expect to talk much about music. He put his own spin on interviewing and made it much more entertaining for the fans. Chris overreacted in my opinion. This was their second interview with him. They should have declined the interview if they wanted to be serious about it. He shouldn’t have slagged Bryan the way he did. If he was unhappy with the interview he simply could have kindly stated that they were done.

  7. I think this is on point. He knew what he was getting into with Bryan, but he tried to spin it in a musical direction from the start. It’s when Bryan kept hitting him with nonsense that he got most annoyed. It’s justifiable.

  8. Guest says:

    Yeah I agree and the questions about Drew’s character midway through should not have happened. I dont follow this band or him but both guys were at fault to some point.   This interview should have been stopped by Bryan much faster

  9. Autyy Taylor says:

    They knew exactly how Bryan’s interviews go. Bryan does ask silly questions, but he does it because his fans want them and it’s funny to learn these silly things about your favorite bands. As a avid viewer of Bryan’s videos, I can attest that he does have a light and joking side of them, but he also gets into the deeper questions and the heavier side of things. Bryan’s interviews are for kids, teens, and adults alike. Going into this interview, this band knew this. I’m not even going to place all of the blame on Chris because his band mates should have said something to him about stopping the interview to tell Bryan their wishes, or just speaking up when he was tearing Bryan down. There was no need for many of his comments and it was very unprofessional of him to handle it the way he did. Bryan added the crying scene because he was being real with his viewers about how it affected him, as he often is. He wasn’t begging for sympathy or hoping his fans would take a stand against the band; he was just being real and honest and not hiding anything from his fans because that’s what he has promised to always do and be: honest.

  10. umad says:

    didn’t sound like a neutral article lol … bryan clearly states that he was commenting on something he saw in a magazine about the band.. doesn’t make him the starter of the rumor and that’s old news so why bother bringing up in the first place that’s where the drama is being started. and they were rude straight from the get go.

    bryan stars interviews are known for the random silly questions. he throws in serious questions here and there keeping the interview fun. he gets to show the bandmates personalities and just has fun with them… if I want watch a boring straight serious interview ill look else where, there’s plenty of other interviewers who do that kinda thing.

    when bryan confronts them about the rudeness they bash him. and then when he trys to ask what they want . they bash him. so lame.

  11. Josh James says:

    This article is rather stupid. Bryan’s interviews obviously aren’t supposed to be serious. But has any other band had a problem with it? No. They haven’t. These interviews show who the band members really are in the world outside of music. Everyone in NSN are obviously just stuck-up, arrogant assholes. Also, another thing I might point out, the majority of the questions that he asks are questions that fans and his views want him to ask. So, Chris pretty much just called his fans a joke. Another thing is that if you actually watch the BryanStars interviews he does ask questions about the band and what they are doing. He also gets a lot of good stories(the interview with Jeremy and Josh from A Day To Remember). In my opinion Christofer was completely in the wrong and I hope that I get the chance to say that to his face someday.

  12. Guest says:

    If I wanted a fucking interview about a band’s music I could look anywhere on Youtube, hell I could go to Wikipedia or the band’s website. Bryan asks questions fans want to hear, it’s a lot more personal to the fans. Also, why don’t you do your research, okay? You ever look at the comments on BryanStar’s videos? “WHERE IS BVB INTERVIEW?!” WHERE IS NSN INTERVIEW?!” That’s all I ever see, fans want to see the interview. Sure he cried, he was crushed by one of his favorite musicians, Chris deserves a fucking reality check, he’s nothing like the person he once was, he talks about arrogance and egos like he’s a perfect fucking person and he’s thought all majestically about the world. No, he’s like so many artists out there, a cocky, money grubbing cunt. Still love NSN old stuff though <3.

  13. What exactly did I not research? I don’t see how not reading comments on YouTube videos affected what was written here at all. This is an unbiased piece showing the wrong on both sides. 

    Thank you for reading all the same.

  14. Thanks for taking the time to comment, Josh. 

    I never stated that they were SUPPOSED to be serious. I actually said things to the contrary to that in my article. Also, I wouldn’t say that no band has had a problem with it in the past. Many musicians flat out deny Bryan for interviews because of his style. Others refuse second interviews due to their distate for their prior experiences. Regardless, NSN was merely the first to vocalize it on camera and that was their mistake, which I also note in my article.

    I absolutely agree that there have been great moments in Bryan’s interviews. (I’ve been watching several more this evening.) Moments where he asked good music related questions. In this interview in particular, however, Drew specifically asks him to stay on musical topics almost from the very start. Bryan ignored that, which was disrespectful on his part. Both parties disrespected the other, both are in the wrong to some degree.

    Again, thank you for reading and commenting.

  15. I did not mention that rumor. I am not even aware of it.

    I understand the point of Bryan’s interviews they do have a purpose. Again, I’m not defending Chris and I’m not defending Bryan when I point out that Drew specifically asks him to stay on musical topics almost from the very start. Bryan ignored that, which was disrespectful on his part. Both parties disrespected the other, both are in the wrong to some degree.

    It’s obvious that the band had some great new information to share about their recording process and Bryan did not seem interested. I think you can understand the frustration in that. Knowing that the recording process is so pivotal to what a band does, you would think that Bryan could talk about the important information first, then throw in some whimsy, no?

    Again, both bands did wrong. I think this interview would have been best left offline.

    Thank you for reading and commenting.

  16. I agree that Chris and his bandmates should have ceased the interview if they were unhappy with how it was going. What he said was inconsiderate.

    I don’t think the crying scene was particularly important. In fact, this video should have never been posted in the first place. It is obvious that posting this (especially with the emotional cuts) was just to arouse a reaction like it did. There could be no other result from posting it. 

    Using the “being real” logic: If posting it was “being real” and that is ok, then Chris Drew had every right to “be real” to Bryan, no? I think Bryan is equally to blame for the same thing. Difference is, he used the victim/guilt tactic used by so many others who have been talked to in a stern fashion, as seen in this video.

    Thank you for your insight. I appreciate your comment.

  17. Carly O. says:

    People have to take into consideration that Chris has changed. The person he was in the last interview and who he is now are different. He has grown up. He’s more “real,” I guess you can say. He just wants to cut out all the bullshit and get to the music. Chris told Bryan that he wanted to to just talk about music, but Bryan just kept asking ridiculous questions. If Bryan had just done what Chris had asked for, he wouldn’t have gotten shut down like he did.
    But, kudos to Bryan for taking it as well as he did at the end of the video. I think everyone just just stop the hate and get on with their lives. State your opinion, then just drop it.

  18. Guest says:

    Maybe I was a bit out of line, I apologize.

  19. Neesh says:

    All I have to say is, Never Shout Never agreed to be interviewed by Bryan Stars… not to conduct their own interview of themselves.

  20. Drew should be happy Star doesn’t want to focus on NSN’s music. Any close examination of that horrendous monstrosity of “art” will leave it tattered on the floor. Isn’t Drew in a deathcore band anyway? or is that a joke? or should we take that one seriously as well…it is his art, right?

    This may be harsh (although I believe Drew’s art is rather harsh itself), but when you start lambasting someone who is trying to give you some free press on a relatively big platform, you open yourself up for criticism. Was Drew expecting Larry King or something? His ego seems a bit inflated.

    It is like Drew pulled up to the Wendy’s drive-thru, ordered a hamburger, then got pissed as all hell because there was not a filet mignon on that seeded patty.

    And the pitiful part is, by flipping out on Star for not focusing on NSN’s music (which, again, I hold as a blessing…but I’m sure this won’t score me points with the fluffy-pop-i-wish-i-had-an-eight-of-the-talent-John Lennon-had fans out there), Drew backhandedly has everyone talking about the interview…and not the music.

    Good one, Drew.

  21. T Philip says:

    Drew’s band couldn’t be any further from a deathcore band, it’s a folk band

  22. Eatmewhileimhot

  23. Dtel7154 says:

    i can see chris’ point but by the same token i see bryan’s point. everyone just needs to relax

  24. Shitter. says:

    Chris drew made him cry. Christofer was definatly in the wrong for being a blunt ass jerk.

  25. Johnnyj050790 says:

    Of course he’s right to call him out on these dumb questions. Why do an interview with a band and not talk about their music and art that inspires their art? I think Christofer Drew lives probably one of the most artistic and free life styles and I want to live like that some day. I want to see the world and capture it in both music and photography. If someone were to interview me about photography or anything else that I do I wouldn’t want to be asked what I like about my body…or what I like about other peoples bodies? like wth man…

  26. Autumn(: says:

    My main question is.. why would he agree to go back if he didn’t want to put up with his questions? Sure it’s more publicity(can’t you tell?) but perhaps he should try a bit harder if he doesn’t want to put up with interviews like this. I agree, neither are correct nor wrong, but I think Chris was more to blame on this one than Bryan.
    ~I’m a fan, so don’t take me wrong. I love Chris, but he’s kind of an asshole sometimes. Haha(:~

  27. Johnny Joo says:

    And what was up with the question about that statue by the wall…

  28. His publicist might have had something to do with it and if so, they are getting torn up this morning.

  29. Lillianna Gonzales says:

    Bryan Stars is not the “correct” interviewer for Christofer Drew. Christofer Drew obviously stated multiple times that he wanted the interview to be musically focused. He has Indigo coming out, he has every right to want that public. Although I do not agree with his mannerisms and slight arrogance, I understand it would be irritating to be asked about his tattoos, hair, body (ALL appearance related) and other petty questions we already know the answers to. I’m not going to leave Christofer Drew’s fanbase because of one brutally honest interview. Futhermore, when people think NSN, it’s directly correlated to only Christofer Drew, not the fact that nevershoutnever is a three-piece band. I respect him for wanting to dilute attention from himself and try to let his fellow band members in on the interview. I feel this will once again (first time being when he cut his hair) prove who his real fans are. Everyone has flaws and maybe his is a short temper. He’s real and tells it like it is. Also, I think it was appropriate for Bryan Stars to post this WITHOUT the clip of him crying at the end. If you’re a true interviewer, your emotions and personal views should be left elsewhere. It’s all about the music, right Bryan?

  30. Adrian Garza says:

    I’m not a fan of either party, but I think Chris is at fault, because these sort of questions are a part of Bryan’s personal brand. These are just the sort of things that he does, and with that being said, Chris was the one that was more “unprofessional” about the whole thing.

    If you’re in a band, but you’re getting interviewed by a sports magazine, expect sports questions.
    If you’re in a band, but you’re getting interviewed by Playboy, expect to answer sex questions. If you’re in a band, but you’re getting interviewed by a music magazine, expect actual music questions.

    It’s as simple as that.

  31. Lillianna Gonzales says:

    That’s a side project. His main one is nevershoutnever and they’re coming out with a new album (Indigo) shortly.

  32.  Side projects are not meant to be taken seriously? Psh…City and Colour, Traveling Wilberys, Anchor & Braille…

  33. Nmatt99 says:

    Chris repeatedly tried to steer the interview toward a direction of more substance. Bryan wasn’t listening. Yes, I felt bad for Bryan. Especially when Chris called his show “a joke”, which was a harsh choice of words. But honestly, if Bryan was humiliated, he needs to own some of the responsibility for that. Honestly, I thought Hayden’s  silently disdainful demeanor was rude. Being up front, as Chris was , may cause some hurt, but its constructive. This was a learning experience, I hope.

  34. Brittany Friedel says:

    Okay, me putting aside that I’m a big Christofer Drew and NeverShoutNever fan..here are my views on Christofers interview with Bryan Stars.. I think Bryan was asking completely rediculous and asking pretty irreverent questions to Chris, and Chris is probably fed up with it. People say that Chris is an asshole..well I’m sure if you had to deal with screaming fan girls and fame you’d be fed up with it to. I met Christofer and he was a complete sweetheart (I also made sure bit to freak out around him like most people) also, Bryan..I could already tell that kid was annoying, he kept pushing Chris to try to answer questions that were irrevelant and that he didn’t want to answer, and was it neccessary for Bryan to put him crying in the video?! That’s a cry out for attention..he could have easily edited that out. People say they lost respect for Chris, well I gained respect for him being real on how he felt

  35. Wisdom says:

    As a musician that has been on tour and done many interviews its you job. You wouldnt bash a customer. Be professional whether they are not. Its a job at the end of the day.

  36. Lellybelobededounicornlover says:

    i think chris was right. i mean he gave his opinion. and bryan did only interview chris and not the other band members i noticed that on the 1st interview. i think if someone had made  a video about me i would have been mad too. i dont get why people are taking bryans side. if you were  a true nevershoutnever fan they you would stay by chris side. 

  37. Clodagh says:

    i like the questions he asks, it’s important to get to know the artist with random facts, other than just shit about their music that they’re asked in every interview

  38. James says:

    Thanks for giving both sides of the story. It annoys me that people have gone off Christofer for this ordeal, which was something that annoyed him in that interview. He talked about how there is more than just himself in Never Shout Never. And it wasn’t just him that was pissed off with the questions. 

  39. Courttneycrunkk says:

    I agree with Christopher. Bryan shouldn’t be asking bullshit questions. That’s now what its about. But, to each is own

  40. Taylor says:

    This article COMPLETELY took Chris’s side. There are plenty of music interviews about music, they shouldn’t have done this one knowing about the questions. They bashed him on camera on purpose, because Bryan traveled seven hours to get there, he’s not going to just trash the footage he got. And even if it was for sympathy, at least he’s showing what Chris is really like now. The band was hardly participating in the interview, and even the questions about the music they refused to answer. This whole thing was bullshit, I’m never purchasing another Never Shout Never song again. Every song is about love, but this was NOTHING close to love. This band is only singing what we want to hear, so there is nothing ‘passionate’ or ‘all about the music’ when it’s all lies.

  41. JM says:

    this paper was so biased haha

  42. One less fan says:

    First of all, I would like to point out that the questions were generated by CHRISTOFER’S FANS. Anyway, under no circumstances is someone who “kills the ego” and makes statements about being “real” and whatnot supposed to add like a grade A asshole. It’s funny how this article is “not biased”, yet it seems to obviously support the clear villain. If you knew you were having a “wacky day,” then why on Earth did you still permit someone to driver 7 hours to meet you, only for them to be criticized for doing something they feel passionate about. It’s crazy how someone has an ego bigger than their music career.

  43. JOSEO4 says:

    Dude Chris was a total dick an obviously you’re on it. He was a jerk to Bryan and Bryan will have more views than you ever will. Go and hate on Bryan all you want but at the end of the day you know he’s better than you and Chris.

  44. Ha Damn way to go chris

  45. One less fan says:

    So fucking right. He left the crying scene to show Chris just how “real” he is. If anything, NSN made themselves look like jokes because they can’t even take one. I never knew that this group was a flock of pompous assholes. Also never purchasing a single song again.

  46. Kenya Johnson says:

    Honestly I just think the whole thing was unprofessional on Christopher Drew’s part. I realize that we all make mistakes, talk out of our ass and say things out of anger. However, this was not Chris’s first interview so he should’ve known better. It was wrong to embarrass Bryan like that on his own show. If NSN, didn’t want to do the interview they should’ve said so. They CHOSE to do this interview, so this is what they got. If Chris wanted to talk music, he should’ve said so before the interview, or pulled him aside after, NOT during. The reason Chris got upset, is appropriate, but how he handled it is not. I haven’t “lost my respect” for Chris, but I’m disappointed by his actions and I don’t see myself being a fan of him anymore. I realize it has nothing to do with me, or anyone else honestly but when you know you have fans watching, you should show more respect. 

  47. mfasolo says:

    See, the flaw I see in your point is the fact that when Bryan DID ask MUSIC related questions to people OTHER than Chris (he asked Hayden what his favorite song to play live was), Hayden just said “um, all of them” and then Bryan asked which were the harder songs, Hayden again replying “nope, all the same” like a total dick that’s not interested in the interview. So when Bryan does EXACTLY what Chris wants him to…he got nothing. Suggesting that they obviously don’t want to talk about that stuff, at least the other guy’s don’t. And then Chris assumes Bryan thinks the other guys aren’t musicians, which Bryan never said whatsoever.

    I don’t think the crying part was necessary, but that doesn’t disprove that Chris acted like an asshole in this. Bryan talked about music-related things for like five minutes after Chris asked him to. And it’s not like Bryan has all of these questions to ask either, his questions come from the FANS and the FANS wanted to get to know NSN, all of the funny and human things – which you won’t find anywhere else.

  48. Mary_gvr says:

    I agree with JM, this article WAS biased. They’re obviously on Chris’ side, even if they’re making it seem like they’re not. Bryan tries to make his interviews fun and he does so by asking silly questions. But believe it or not, these silly questions are the questions fans want to know the answers to. There’s a reason BryanStars is famous. He’s probably one of the funniest people and no one should be a douche to him. He traveled a great distance to do this interview and it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t talk about music, he is still promoting the band.

  49. 2WrongsMakingRight says:

    yeah but this interview was basically a joke. Chris poured his heart into the music and he’s getting asked about stripper names.  He may have been putting it harshly but in the end it’s about music. Their a band, that’s what they do. It’s not about body features and breaking up with girls .Clearly Bryan put this up to cause drama, why else would he include the bit of him crying or upload the video at all?

  50. MJ says:

    Chris was a rough indeed but he was being real and answered direclty to Bryan when he asked if Chris was pissed at him. Also, Chris hinted many times he wanted to talk about his music yet the silly questions kept coming. I mean, poor Bryan yeah he’s put a lot of work into it but he should’ve listened or finished the interview, something that Chris did his own way.