Monty Are I Break Through The Silence

It has been 3 very long years since the release of Monty Are I‘s record Break Through The Silence. The latter 2 years have been even longer as the band hasn’t as much as played together. Since 2010, questions have been asked, investigations of my own have been conducted, and sadness has crept it’s way into my stereo for lack of some new music from MAI, the band who went MIA.

Today, they break through the silence.

In a blog post, lead vocalist Stephen Aiello gave some insight as to where they’ve been, the reunion they held over the weekend, and the possible futures for the band. You can read it the blog on Stevie’s website, or continue reading here.

“It’s been over 2 years since the 5 members of Monty Are I played music together. This past weekend we decided to finally travel from all ends of the country to meet in NYC for a few hours and do what we did best – play music and have fun doing it.

Over the past couple of years, we’ve been individually living out our lives and exploring new territory – professionally, creatively, & personally. It’s been an exciting journey to see everyone grow. Even as busy as we’ve all been “growing”, the stars aligned and we all decided it was time to do this.

And I’m so happy we did. For me, continuing in the music industry, it’s been really exciting developing my skills as a songwriter, a producer, and an artist. I’ve also loved the creative freedom and expansion I’ve been able to explore. These things are all new and extremely energizing for me. However, there is NOTHING like playing live with the people that you love and with the people you’ve created something special with.

We had an amazing time – running through a lot of older material. I was surprised when some of the songs actually sounded decent. Of course after not playing for 2 years, we forgot parts and lyrics, messed up a bunch, etc. I actually laughed my ass off for 5 straight minutes because of how much we messed up at one point. But it was all good because at the end of the day it was FUN – and sometimes in the past I have forgotten that THAT is what it’s all about.

We even got a chance to sit and talk and be US again and it was incredible. It’s really cool to be able to reflect on who we were, what we became, and where we are going as individuals. It’s amazing to me when I look at the boys we started out as and the men we’ve become.

So what does this mean for the future?

Well, we aren’t too sure. We do know we would like to try and play show at some point next year. We’d also like to release some B-sides from “Break Through The SIlence” for a charity that is close to our hearts. I think overall, we still want MAI to exist whether it be in the smallest possible way or something a bit more.

We have always truly appreciated the support of our listeners and the people who have followed us over the years. They still mean the world to us. In the past, we lived and played for these people. That will always hold true. However, I feel like now ( if they would allow us to be a little selfish:) ), the 5 of us are also living and playing for ourselves. Let’s continue to take the journey together.


Jacob Tender
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2 Responses to “Monty Are I Break Through The Silence”

  1. This makes me REALLY happy.

  2. Me too, like…. I’m ecstatic.