REST IN PEACE: Suicide Silence Vocalist Mitch Lucker

The Press Enterprise is reporting that Suicide Silence vocalist Mitch Lucker was killed following injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident late last night in Orange County, California. According to the report, which you can read here, Lucker was pronounced dead at 6:17 a.m. this morning at UCI Medical Center in Orange County.

Coroner’s officials said Lucker was hospitalized after a motorcycle accident shortly before 9 p.m. Wednesday. Huntington Beach police were investigating the crash and expected to release details Thursday morning.

Lucker was twenty-eight at the time of his death. So far, no one representing Suicide Silence has issued any statements, but we will update you as those begin to surface. Our thoughts and prayer go out to his family.

Update: Suicide Silence have commented on Lucker’s death. Click here to read their message to fans.

James Shotwell
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106 Responses to “REST IN PEACE: Suicide Silence Vocalist Mitch Lucker”

  1. Zazzy says:

    Sounds like a Satanic band and I can’t even understand what the heck he is singing. He seems to be just screaming…….he was so young. Too bad he didn’t know Christ before Satan took over his soul for eternity.

  2. SomeoneWhoIsHere says:

    Go fuck yourself.

  3. Kriston McConnell says:

    I might not have really listened to these guys but it’s always tragic when someone dies before their time. RIP

  4. Michelle says:

    He has a young daughter who he took care of and he just died & you are going to say something rude like that?

    Religious people makes me sick

  5. Zazzy says:

    SomeoneWhoIsHere – You mad, bro?

  6. TexZen says:

    I met him after a show one night. One of the kindest frontmen you’d ever meet. May his family and loved ones not suffer.

  7. Joey Martin says:

    fuck off prick that has nothing to do with anything

  8. Zazzy is an ass! says:

    Zazzy, you suck ass.

  9. Zazzy says:

    Michelle – I am not religious, Christ isn’t about religion. Also, I didn’t know this guy, I heard about him through one of his fans who happens to be my niece. I didn’t know he had a child.

  10. Zazzy says:

    LOL, did I piss you off? Grow a thick skin, honey.

  11. Kaylea Dube says:

    You’re fucked, he’s just passed away don’t go talking about your fucking Christ when you have no clue who he was or a single fucking thing about him? Did you know he had a beautiful little girl who is now without a father? Take your opinion and shove it up your ass bible thumper.

  12. ellisclayton says:

    If you have nothing good to say don’t say it you fucking prick. Rip Mitch your were a hell of a vocalist. My thoughts go out to his family and the rest of the band

  13. Jeff says:

    You’re beyond ignorant.

  14. Stephanie Bayides says:

    Mitch was amazing at what he did.Suicide Silence is one of the best shows I’ve seen. He was young, and had an absolutely beautiful daughter who he loved and was an absolute amazing father to. What happened to him was tragic and I wish it weren’t true. My thoughts go out to his bandmates and family.

  15. Zazzy says:

    No need to know who he was, his actions speaks louder then words can say and now he is lost through out eternity with Satan.

  16. zazzyeatsdonkydick says:

    Eat a bag of dicks…

  17. fuck zazzys bitch ass says:

    Shut the fuck up bitch. This music has nothing to do with “satan” and even if it did.. wheres your fuckin god? Whats that nigga doin? Fuck you. RIP mitch. Miss you already /:

  18. Zazzy says:

    One thing I do know is that he would tell me the very same thing about Christ and my comment has NOTHING to do with his daughter.

  19. Alex says:

    Lol Zazzy, regardless if you didn’t know he had a child or not, you should’ve kept your mouth shut in the first place. If Christ is so compelling in your life, maybe you wouldn’t wish death upon them because they didn’t believe the shit you believe in. You’re the biggest hypocrite ever and I wish Hell upon you for your comments.

  20. Ted says:

    Go shove a cross up your ass you bible humping fuck. REST IN FUCKING PEACE MITCH LUCKER m/

  21. Alex says:

    And btw, maybe you should hide your comments on your profile. Seems like you’re fucking ignorance is speaking a bit too loud for you to comment here or to have a place on the earth.

  22. I think he will be ok. All that waits for you when the lights go out is darkness anyway. But hey, cant win if you don’t play right?

  23. Fucking prick says:

    of course you pissed everyone off. not to mention the fact nobody will take you seriously on the whole Christ thing if you’re using it to attack someone who died less than 24 hours ago and you have no idea what kind of a person he was. that being said, he was obviously a much better person than you are and much more deserving of salvation than someone such as yourself who finds pleasure in provoking everyone’s sorrow.

  24. The dude says:

    Obvious troll is obvious, stop feeding him and he will shut up

  25. kracker says:

    dick hole

  26. Zazzy says:

    Who are you to tell me what to say on here? You don’t have a hell to place me or my comments in.

  27. fuck off zazzy says:

    Hey zazzy, christ isnt going to like you for judging someone you didnt know, just because the name of the band sounds satanic, doesnt make him a satan worshiper. If you really believed in christ, you would just shut the fuck up. Let Mitchs family, friends, and fans all grief.

  28. Zazzy says:

    LOL, why would God protect a child of Satan?

  29. Zazzy says:


  30. Zazzy says:

    LMAO….hostile much, Satanic people? Have a great day. Someday you will meet face to face with your master Satan.

  31. kracker says:

    Oh and you judge.. So you fucking think you are god????????????

  32. Zazzy says:

    Screaming isn’t being a good vocalist.

  33. skywire says:

    Dude, do the rest of us Christians a favor and lay off. You might want to be a bit more sensitive. Yes, eternity is at stake but you’re lacking a bit of tact and you’re not going to win a lot of friends (or converts) by your approach.

    On a different note, I listen to Christian bands that sound like this — the fact you can’t understand what they’re saying has nothing to do with whether they know Christ or not.

  34. fuck off zazzy says:

    Im a religous man zazzy, ive been saved, and ive accepted christ, so go fuck off

  35. Zazzy says:

    fuck off zazzy – I never said anything about the name of the band. I was speaking about this guy and only him alone. How can I judge a dead guy?

  36. Zazzy says:

    I don’t need for anyone to take me seriously. With all of them being hostile and bitter, it’s clear they will never accept Christ, even if he came to die for you again. I didn’t say anything mean nor did I insult anyone as you guys have. I feel for you people. JOHN 3:16, would he have known what this verse meant, he would have lived for Christ and would have deserved salvation, no matter how nice he was.

  37. kracker says:

    zazzy is just a fucking troll…. Im sure he just a child molester using religious bullshit to smear on a young mans name. You zazzy I bet come from a cult church like Westboro church… Now choke and die already!!!

  38. Zazzy says:

    How can I judge a dead guy, huh?

  39. Zazzy says:

    fuck off zazzy – LIAR, Satan is your father!

  40. And in related news for pro wrestling fans, Brad Armstrong passed away due to a massive heartattack. Even though his passing was natural, the unnatural death of Mitch Lucker is just as damaging, even worse. My thoughts and prayers go out to BOTH families and friends. Halloween will never be the same again.

  41. Zazzy says:

    LOL!! Yeah, that’s it, you are sooooo right.

  42. Zazzy says:

    Well one less Atheist in our world.

  43. Zazzy says:

    You are right about Christian bands like these, but what Christian band would be named “SUICIDE SILENCE”??? Sheesh!

  44. maddy watson says:

    Mitch was so great..and their song ‘You Only Live Once’ just makes it a little worse, just becaue of the title. RIP Mitch. You will be dearly missed..prayers for your family. You were so young.</3

  45. because his actions speak louder than his words. Zazzy.

  46. fuckZazzy says:

    Zazzy is a bitch titty

  47. Dan says:

    Everyone, don’t listen to this Zazzy guy. He definitely knows nothing of which he is talking about. He is just spewing lukewarm preaching out here while he knows nothing of the truth of God or anything of the sort. The guys just running his mouth and trying to stir up problems. Wolf in the sheeps clothing is what Zazzy is. Zazzy has no place to condemn nor to say where a person’s soul will end up, that belongs to God to judge where a soul is going, not you Zazzy, you pompous ass. If you’re really a follower of Jesus Christ, Zazzy, why don’t you read the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and actually observe Jesus’ compassion on the lost before you starting causing problems, and for the record Zazzy, you sound much like the Pharisees who condemned Jesus. I personally haven’t listened to Suicide Silence but Mitch Lucker’s family is in my prayers.

  48. I was a big fan. And Mitch was one of my many musical influences. RIP Mitch Lucker..</3

  49. Guy Petrie says:

    It is really fucked up that Zazzy is trying to troll just because the band sounds “Satanic” This guy was a living human being, and a kind one at that. He will be missed. I hope the ones he loved and were close to do not suffer to much. RIP~

  50. anonymous says:

    figures i find an awesome band after the vocalist dies -.- RIP dude