REVIEW: Attila – Party With The Devil (Maxi Single)

Artist: Attila
Album: Party With The Devil (Maxi Single)
Genre: Party Metal
Label: Artery

Oh, Attila. Where does one even begin? It should be said up front that this band is one hundred percent dedicated to their niche genre of so-called “party metal.” That said, if chugging cheap brews while verbally shitting on everything in your path is not your cup of musical tea, it may be wise to simply wipe the existence of this band from your memory as depth is not on the short-list of their strong points.

For their latest maxi-single, Party With The Devil, the boys in Attila have put together two new tracks filled to the brim with chugs and completely void of substance. The first, from which the title of the release takes its name, includes the line, “6-6-6, party with the devil, bitch.” If that doesn’t paint the picture clear enough for you, picture three different types of screams talking about accepting their inability to be perfect by partying until they die. This ideology is then complimented by the release’s only other track, “Soda In The Water Cup,” which is (not surprisingly) also about the wild life listeners are lead to believe the members of Attila lead. The song also touches on some ideas of heartache, but it’s hard to deny the real angle they’re selling with lines like:

“i’m in every fucking city touching every fucking titty
sicker than terry schiavo, someone pull the fucking plug
its like a beta gamma infa-red, and all that shit that you can’t see
better watch your fucking girlfriend, shes been talking to me”

Like I said, if you don’t enjoy party metal you might as well turn away now.

My biggest issues with Attila’s music is not their party antics or empty lyrics, but rather the piss poor production value of their generic take on an already flooded music subgenre. It’s not bad enough that these guys write songs promoting lifestyles completely void of any real contribution to the betterment of the world around them, they actually go to great lengths to make fan think they should want to live this shallow existence. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying there is anything wrong with having a good time, but the way Attila chooses to present their idea of such times is through drunken misogynistic antics carried out with little-to-no regard for the universe to which they belong. It’s selfish, egotistical gibberish set to mediocre musicians playing half-assed breakdowns around mindless-yet-catchy one-liners that will be marketed to underage youths until every possible cent of merch money has been bled from their unsuspecting parents’ pockets and nothing more.

Score: 3.4/10

Review written by: James Shotwell (Twitter)

James Shotwell
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One Response to “REVIEW: Attila – Party With The Devil (Maxi Single)”

  1. Dillan says:

    Are you fucking joking dude? Your review is even more shit than you claim Attila to be. “mediocre musicians”? Okay, so you’re saying that just about anyone could play, say, Light Me Up, or Rage, because their talent as musicians is so under the bar that you could even predict the next empty breakdown. Just going by the fact that you labeled “Soda In The Water Cup” as a new song, shows that you know nothing about this band. Have you ever played Grand Theft Auto? It’s a best selling game. Based upon “lifestyles completely void of any real contribution to the betterment of the world around them,”. So is that a shitty, mediocre game too? Attila is a great band because every one of their songs is about having a good time, set to well-crafted breakdowns and very unique and energetic riffs. So when you’re listening to them, YOU’RE HAVING A GOOD TIME. And you know, I’m pretty sure Attila is having a good time right now, in a way better place than you’re at, James Shotwell, while you’re having a shitty time, writing shitty reviews, for people to shit on. Lesson learned? DON’T WRITE SHITTY REVIEWS!