REVIEW: Davey Suicide – Put Your Trust In Suicide

Artist: Davey Suicide
Album: Put Your Trust In Suicide
Genre: Industrial

If any tasteless juggalos or angsty scene girls are looking for a new fake goth artist to like, Davey Suicide will definitely be up their alley. His sound is heavily influenced by Marilyn Manson, Orgy and other industrial artists. Davey Suicide’s EP Put Our Trust In Suicide is white noise in a post-goth rock hyped world.

Put Your Trust In Suicide makes me think of a fifteen year old having a fit and slamming himself in his room when mommy and daddy aren’t raising his allowance. Said kid is also picked on in school and decides to embrace being different to try and fit into a different social tribe who “understands him”. The whole ensemble of Davey Suicide seems like a marketing ploy. The name, Davey Suicide, cleverly tries to emulate a name like Marilyn Manson: it feels wrong saying only half of it. The difference being, Marilyn Manson‘s name embodies his message of sex and violence. Whereas Davey Suicide’s name is an adorable nickname with an angsty modifier. Now all that is needed is to paint a goth mask on a pretty face and voilà, you have Davey Suicide and his band of not-so-merry men.

The lyrical depth is one of many problems with Davey Suicide. Take ‘Generation Fuck Star’, the song is basically a troubled kid’s Madlib: throw in a couple racey words like “suicide”, “revenge” and “fuck” then add cliche goth interests like “church”, “grave” and “ashes”. ‘Grab Your Gun & Hide Your Morals’ sounds like a diluted Rob Zombie song and the lyrics again strive to hit this edgy message. “Grab a gun and hide your morals, grab a gun and kill everyone” is repeated in the chorus before Davey growls a verse of more controversial terms like “Uncle Sam”, “mainstream”, “Mickey Mouse”, and “propaganda”. ‘Kids of America 3’ is also unique in opening with carnival music, an oscillation between yelling and growling and the message, “don’t ever tell us what to do, we are the kids of America”. High school rejects will eat this stuff up; it’s an instant way to fame, regardless of if Davey wants to stand by the rubbish he’s producing. This album feels more like a sentimental glance at all of the issues that came up during the late 1990s into the early 2000s.

SCORE: 3.5/10
Review written by: Leanne Cushing (Twitter)

James Shotwell
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2 Responses to “REVIEW: Davey Suicide – Put Your Trust In Suicide”

  1. Luke Murphy says:

    This “artist” is down right pathetic not only is he telling kids to “put your trust in suicide” which im sure some kids is going to take literally but they ARE FUCKING STUPID? TO HAVE THE LYRICS “Grab a gun and hide your morals, grab a gun and kill everyone” IN A SONG! ARE YOU FUCKING MENTAL? HOW MANY SCHOOL SHOOTINGS HAPPEN EACH YEAR? FUCKING CHRIST!

  2. Alexander.S says:

    Unlike manson there is nothing clever about their music, manson wrote amazing concept albums with deep witty and meaningful lyrics (mostly) davey suicide come off as manson slow slightly retarded younger brother.