Saves The Day Announce Next Album, Launch Funding Campaign

Well, I suppose I was off with my last prediction. Saves The Day have announced their eighth studio album; they’ll begin recording this February in hopes to have it out by summer. They’ve announced the funding campaign for it, available here, which is one of the few music funding campaigns I’ve seen not on Kickstarter. Some of the best goodies are having their lead guitarist and bassist record parts on your album, being their roadie for a day, and having you choose the set list. If I was rich, I’d be going wild with Saves The Day nerdiness now. Every supporter, no matter how big or small, gets a free download of a new demo, “Ain’t No Kind of Love”.

If you spend three grand, you can get a show at your house. Personally, I don’t have three grand, but let it be known that if I was getting married in the next twelve months, they would be three thousand dollars richer. Fifteen hundred nets you a custom EP from singer Chris Conley, which sort of makes me wish Chris did a song shop like Max Bemis.

No matter, it’s good to know that a great band is working on new music.

Dan Bogosian
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2 Responses to “Saves The Day Announce Next Album, Launch Funding Campaign”

  1. Brian Lion says:

    Chris and Max worked together right by my apartment in the town I recently moved from. I interviewed Chris last year and talked about them working together a little bit.

  2. Dan Bogosian says:

    I interviewed Arun and he’s officially in the Two Tongues with them, replacing Dave (who originally quit STD but was going to stay in the Two Tongues). If I had a way of hunting down Dave, I think that would be an awesome interview.