Ronnie Radke Discusses Becoming A Father

About a week ago Alternative Press grabbed the exclusive of the month by debuting a video interview segment featuring Falling In Reverse frontman Ronnie Radke coming clean about allegations he kicked the other members out of his band. To save you ten minutes, Radke did not kick everyone out, and this morning part two of that same interview found its way online.

In the latest segment, Radke opens up to AltPress about his reaction to learning he would be a father, the legacy he knows his kids will one day find, and how learning he will soon have a child has changed the way he perceives the world around him. There are references to some of his more notorious actions, including throwing mic stands at audience members, but as a whole the piece is about Radke’s realization he will soon be responsible for another human, and that the human he will be responsible for will one day learn of their father’s past wrongdoings. You can view the footage below.

Falling In Reverse have a new album out later this month. We honestly haven’t decided whether or not to review it, but we’ll keep covering the band as newsworthy items develop.

James Shotwell
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One Response to “Ronnie Radke Discusses Becoming A Father”

  1. Ivy Suicide says:

    I give your daughter my blessings for coming into this world to have the greatest Father ever. I know a lot of people are saying shit, but homestly, your a father to a lot of kids out their who know your story, Most people don’t understand how insireable you are I Love You. And
    Ronnie, you have helped a lot of people through hard times! example. Me <3 Ivy.Suicide~