Andrew W.K. To Publish ‘The Party Bible’

Earlier in the day it was confirmed that the notoriously rowdy rocker Andrew W.K. will publish The Party Bible, a written account detailing the musician’s career as a professional partier, through Simon & Schuster.

Though currently in the very early stages of production, W.K. has already promised fans an enthralling read, assuring that “Readers will come to fathom the complete spectrum of feeling in every moment, embrace the taboo and the transcendent, and experience ecstatic pleasure in an explosion on nonstop party power.”

As of now, a release date has not been set for the publication, though a number of media outlets have reported that the printed text will likely be accompanied by an audio book, as well.

Michael Szczerban, W.K.’s editor, seemed equally excited by this new undertaking, stating “The Party Bible will take readers on an unforgettable voyage in search of truth, wisdom and party bliss,” and, “in it, every feeling will be permitted, every thought will become prophecy, and humanity’s surging life force will be harnessed and ridden into the abyss.”

If these grand promises aren’t enough to make you want to slam a can of Natty Light and wear a lampshade on your head, than I suggest you additionally check out this video promoting the release of The Party Bible, below. If you like what you see, comment and let us know!

Kyle Florence
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