‘Batman Vs. Superman’ Begins Filming This Weekend In Los Angeles

Not long ago a person connected to the upcoming Warner Bros film Batman Vs. Superman told reporters that most people did not realize how far into pre-production the film actually was. We figured this meant a script was complete, or that some location scouting had commenced, but this morning we learned the truth is that production is set to begin much sooner than anyone could have anticipated. This weekend, in fact.

The East Los Angeles College Campus News is reporting production of the 2015 superhero film starring Henry Cavill as Clark Kent and Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne will take place October 19 at halftime of a college football game between ELAC and Victor Valley College. The stadium will be transformed to Gotham City University for a game between GCU and Metropolis State University. The article says Snyder and the crew hoping to get “three takes of three plays during halftime.” The crew will be capturing the actors and crowd’s reactions. The first 2,000 fans to sit in the “filming area” will get t-shirts designed specifically for the film (which they can then put on eBay to help pay off student loans).

Most movie sites believe the chances of Affleck or Cavill appearing at the game are slim-to-none and we tend to agree. This is the type of early shooting that works to help promote a film without giving away any information about the film itself, so there really is no need for either to be on set just yet. It’s pretty obvious that such a game could serve as the meeting place for our two leads within the film, but at this point no additional information about the sequence being filmed or its purpose in the upcoming film has been revealed.

James Shotwell
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