Glass Cloud Stream ‘Perfect War Forever’

Glass Cloud grabbed everyone’s attention with the release of their debut album last year, The Royal Thousand. It wasn’t long after that release that they started touring nationwide, and grew in popularity. Things had been a little quiet with the band, and that’s when they dropped the news that they would be releasing a new EP, titled Perfect War Forever. The EP was officially released yesterday, so the label put it up to be streamed in its entirety. If you weren’t sure whether or not you wanted to buy the EP, now is the perfect opportunity to check it out! You can listen to Perfect War Forever by taking a look below the jump.

Physical copies of the EP are not going to be available in stores, so if you want a physical copy you will need to head to the band’s merch store to pick one up. If you prefer a digital copy, you can always grab it on iTunes.

[soundcloud url=”″ width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

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