Record Labels And Indie Artists: Let Haulix Help You Better The Music Industry

Complete honesty: Haulix is a company that I, James Shotwell, work for when not working on UTG. It’s my second home and it’s a place I have grown to love as much as this very site. I am not involved in the development aspect of what Haulix does, but I believe in it wholeheartedly and wanted to give the company a bit of space here on UTG. If that makes this an advertisement, fine. At least we’re promoting a product that myself and the rest of the UTG staff believe in.

Anyway, our friends at Haulix have released their first-ever promotional video. Haulix is a company that specializes in secure and simple digital media distribution, which is a fancy way of saying they help record labels and artists share music with members of the press before its official release date, watermark the content, and help fight digital piracy. How do they do all of this? Good question. I’ll let their fancy new music video explain:

I use Haulix almost every day of my professional life, and the same goes for the majority of the music bloggers you read on this site or any other covering rock, pop, country, and/or hip-hop. Like any business, however, they have competition. We prefer Haulix and wanted to help share their latest video. Enjoy.

James Shotwell
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