Ian Walsh – Please Remember

Band: Ian Walsh
Album: Please Remember
Genre: Indie/Folk
Label: Plus 5

1. Unhappy Ending
2. Catch My Eye
3. Now Or Never
4. Perfect Sense
5. As Always
6. Goodbye
7. Supposed To Be
8. I Hope I’m Blind
9. Familiar Place
10. Apology

When I first began writing this review for Ian Walsh’s new album, “Please Remember,” I was skeptical. I began looking up a little bit of background on Mr. Walsh and found out that not only is he the same age as me (19), but he is a student at the Berkley College of Music. This mere fact immediately pushed me towards thinking that this album probably wouldn’t stick.

When I popped the disc into my Mac, I was surprised. The album begins with Unhappy Ending, which lyrically, begins with “You and I were a perfect day.” This line is written across the inside album cover. There is an opening guitar riff that seems to stay throughout the song, which generally has an alternative rock feel to it. It’s really not bad.

The third track is by far my favorite. Now Or Never has all sorts of good things happening with it. The piano progression gives a nice, easy-listening type of emotion to a song about love. It seems to flow in all the right directions. Lyrically, this song isn’t too advanced for radio play, but still shows actual talent on the part of Walsh. Vocally, this is one of his strongest songs, showcasing a few different ranges but tending to stray toward the middle octaves, which are very ear-pleasing.

The rest of the album tends to follow the general feel of the first few songs, alternating between heavy guitar and piano riffs. Lyrically, the songs all carry the same theme of love, which may be a bit overwhelming to some. Generally speaking, this didn’t really bother me until the last song, Apology. Ian Walsh has a talent for writing love lyrics, but Apology just sounds a bit too cliche for my tastes.

For the most part, “Please Remember” is a decent composition. If you’re into the lighter, made-for radio type of rock songs, you definitely would enjoy Ian Walsh. He plays his own instruments, he writes his own lyrics and he puts emotion into what he is doing. I can sense Ian Walsh’s sense of passion in “Please Remember” and I fully believe that he has what it takes to make it in the modern music scene.

*Written By: Meaghan Allen*
GRADE: 7/10

James Shotwell
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