4-Song Stream: There For Tomorrow

Our good friends at Hopeless Records like our review of There For Tomorrow’s new album, A Little Faster so much that they’re letting us share the first FOUR SONGS from the album with you. That’s right, below you can STREAM THE FIRST FOUR SONGS from the band’s brand new record that we HIGHLY recommend you buy as soon as possible.
[audio: 01 The Remedy.mp3]
1. The Remedy

[audio: 02 A Little Faster.mp3]
2. A Little Faster
[audio: 03 Wish You Away.mp3]
3. Wish You Away
[audio: 04 Backbone.mp3]
4. Backbone

James Shotwell
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One Response to “4-Song Stream: There For Tomorrow”

  1. Kelly says:

    I agree–buy the album as soon as possible!
    ‘Wish You Away’ has been my favorite There For Tomorrow song since I first heard it last year. I’m so impressed with this album, it’s fantastic! I can’t stop listening :)