A Day To Remember album preview

A Day To Remember have released a full preview of their new album What Seperates Me From You.

What Separates Me From You
Label: Victory Records
Producers: Chad Gilbert , Andrew Wade

1. “Sticks & Bricks” 0:00
2. “All I Want” 0:30
3. “It’s Complicated” 1:00
4. “This Is the House That Doubt Built” 1:30
5. “2nd Sucks” 2:00
6. “Better Off This Way” 2:30
7. “All Signs Point to Lauderdale” 3:00
8. “You Be Tails, I’ll Be Sonic” 3:30
9. “Out of Time” 4:00
10. “If I Leave” 4:30

Benjamin Howell
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  1. You says:
