HOW BAD IS IT?!: Last Ounce Of Courage

Movies are the number one source of entertainment according to a statistic I just made up. Everyone loves going to the movies. It’s a standard date night, and has helped millions of teens awkwardly hold hands in the dark. Movies are a great escape from reality, and help people relieve the stress of their lives. Unfortunately every once in a while a movie gets released that ruins the experience…

I hate politics. Everything about them frustrates me to no end. Attack ads, controversy, this side versus that side, it is all completely ridiculous. When I heard that there was a new movie that was produced by the same company that created the awful 2016: Obama’s America I had to see it, just to see how out of hand all of this nonsense had gotten. So yesterday I went to the movie theater, bought my ticket for Resident Evil: Retribution and watched that movie. Then I snuck in to Last Ounce Of Courage because I cannot justify spending money on something I suspected was politically fueled. Spoiler alert: I was right.

The Movie

According to IMDb and the movie theater I went to Last Ounce Of Courage is about the son of a fallen soldier trying to reconnect with his grandfather, who is still grieving over the loss of his son. If you watched that trailer up there you can see that is not the case. The movie is actually about the mayor of a small town fighting to bring Christmas back to his town where is has been outlawed by the government. That sounds exaggerated, but that is really what it is about.

It is also about patriotic motorcycles.

The main character of the movie is the mayor of a fictional town (and he is also the pharmacist, because mayors have two jobs now I guess). His son died fighting in the middle east 14 years ago and since then the town has had its freedom taken away. Now they cannot display Christmas decorations or crosses or have a town Christmas tree. So the mayor has had enough and he puts all that stuff back up in the town and the rest of the movie is a fight between him and some political figure (it is never said if it is a senator or a representative or anything) over the freedom to put decorations up in the town.

He keeps all the freedom he stole in that weird glass dish.

There is also a subplot involving the mayor’s grandson and some other kids at the local high school taking back the winter play and turning it back in to the story of Jesus’ birth. Oh, and speaking of Jesus, he is in this movie as a magic hobo or something. I am not really sure, it was weird and dumb. The movie also begins and ends with a Ronald Reagan quote, so there’s that too.

The guy that looks like he sells knives at the flea market is supposed to be Jesus.

How Bad Is It?

Before I start with all the reasons this movie is bad for your mental well being I will outline why it is bad for your eyes and ears. The first thing I noticed was that this movie had the cinematography of a soap opera. Actually, that is not fair to soap operas, my friends in college literally made a movie with better shot composition than Last Ounce Of Courage. The titles and special effects for the movie look like they were made in After Effects, but not the newest version, the version from a few years ago that community access channels use. Some of the shots were shaky, or fast, or pointless, and more than once I noticed that the audio was over-modulated. No, it was not the theater I saw it in, the audio was legitimately over-modded.

You can’t tell from the picture, but this scene sounds terrible.

Aside from all that Last Ounce Of Courage also had some of the worst acting I have ever seen appear on screen. The emotion was so forced and fake every scene that was supposed to be emotional just came off as humorous. None of the actors can cry, and they all were supposed to at some point. The kids were the worst. The grandson made one facial expression the entire movie, no matter what the scene was.

This is his angry face. No, seriously, he is supposed to be outraged here.

I would like to say one more time that I hate politics. I think it is totally fine to say what you believe in a movie, that is what cinema is all about: someone expressing themselves artistically. However, if you take away the artistic aspect you just get propaganda, which is what this was. The whole movie the antagonist represents some group. It never says what group or organization, but it becomes very clear very fast that the group is democrats. I do not hate that the movie is anti-democrat, but the way they portray them is completely absurd. The movie says that democrats hate freedom and are doing everything they can to take it away from all citizens. It also says that if you believe in the separation of church and state then you are un-american. When you take things to that extreme so blatantly with no artistic merit it becomes hateful.

Pictured: One of the actors trying to pull the producer’s head out of his own ass.

The thing that really put this movie over the edge in terms of being terrible was the way they used soldiers dying in the middle east to manipulate the audiences feelings to support their message. It literally made me feel physically ill. To take such a tragic thing and use it to force people to see things your way is truly disgusting and makes everyone involved with this movie a reprehensible person in my eyes.

So how bad was Last Ounce Of Courage? It was so bad that if I was not already writing in Nicolas Cage for president this November I would vote straight democratic just to get back at the people who made it. Feel free to use the comment box below to argue with me about this movie, but make sure you have seen it first, if I went to the trouble of seeing something I did not want to see before forming an opinion on it you should do me the same courtesy.

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62 Responses to “HOW BAD IS IT?!: Last Ounce Of Courage”

  1. enigmaDAEDAL says:

    There is nothing to argue. I saw the trailer, and I knew that everything you said was completely and utterly true. Though, I disagree in one regard: I’m writing in RoboCop. Not the new one, but the one that doesn’t like creeps.

  2. freedom lover says:

    I’m sorry, I just went to the movie, and I did pay money to see it. And the main theme was preserving freedom of expression for everyone, even those who thought it was a lousy movie. The people I went with and many others in the theater enjoyed it and seemed glad they had gone also.

  3. You didn’t like it because you blow Obama

  4. JimmyJusticeUSA says:

    So you committed a crime to watch a movie you knew you were going to hate just to complain about it on the internet. Stay classy

  5. Republicunny says:

    In order to better understand their reason for making this movie I huffed a can of gasoline and then a little paint thinner. Now I’m voting Republican.

  6. Military Brat says:

    This review made me laugh! You have limited knowledge of 1. Cinema and 2. Politics, and history….Democrats? LOL! So you snuck out of Resident Evil to see part of a movie and you’re here to report on what it’s all about? Your mean spirited review would hold a little more weight if you actually knew what you were talking about. Amateur filmmaker much? Your political leanings are coloring your perception of this film and it’s message. Objective journalism this is not. Then again, maybe I should skip a review in an online magazine that has another article titled “Chris Brown Has Rihanna’s Beaten Face Tattooed to His Neck”

  7. Disgusted with negativity says:

    Hey, this is real life. The story is based on truth. Unfortunately for you, it is inconvenient for you because you’re part of the problem…sneaking into movies without paying or giving a damn that some people want freedom of expression – like you do, except you just don’t want people you disagree with to have it.
    I agree that politics suck, but only because we make it our entertainment on the news outlets. Movies tend to peddle pornography and ruthless murder. Do you feel the same way and like that type of shit ? Apparently, because you paid to see it.
    Why don’t you go home and look in the mirror after you go to the movies next time.Critique that and tell us what you find…that’s what we REALLY want to know…we know how you feel about the people in this movie. Hope your candidate wins BTW…

  8. justinproper says:

    It’s very cool that you dug the movie, but what I like even more is that you expressed an opposing opinion without insulting me personally. Thank you for reading!

  9. justinproper says:

    I saw this whole film. Also, what does Chris Brown have to do with me or my review of this movie?

  10. justinproper says:

    I didn’t go in to the movie knowing I’d hate it, I suspected it would be political and I was correct. I hated the movie for many reasons, which you can see above. I gave it a fair chance.

  11. justinproper says:

    Thank you for being a mature adult, your point is very valid.

  12. justinproper says:

    I hope Nicolas Cage wins too. Also, at no point did I say that freedom of expression was bad in any way.

  13. Nick says:

    I make it a point to see these conservative films that suddenly have received nationwide distribution (having started with Fireproof). Not because I agree with their message but because I see them as cinematic case studies. Also, I’ve only had to pay once because the barkers for these films usually give out free tickets at my local AMC. These are the B movies of our time – made on the cheap with a built in audience, they reap so much money for basically 90 minutes of bombast. Last Ounce of Courage was the absolute nadir of this trend for all the reasons you list but let me just briefly add two more: racist and homophobic stereotypes. The drama teacher who “destroys” the Christmas Pageant is flaming and given the intolerance of this town I’m surprised he was even allowed to teach while the one African-American who speaks is from the ACLU… sorry, in this film it’s the American Civil Liberties Association (such clever writing) and he wants nothing less than to steal Christmas away from the white man.
    But the worst offense… The return of the “slow clap.”

  14. Cindi says:

    As a parent and an aunt of men who did fight and is currently fighting in wars for our freedom, I take offense that you think everything is political in this movie. There are men and women today loosing their lives in wars all over the world for our freedom. Freedom this movie showed we were loosing day by day. Yes, some of the freedoms we think now was ridiculous that this movie portrayed but real all the same. Not only bringing this subject into focus for Americans who don’t realize we are loosing our freedoms today. You say this “ridiculous bad movie” is only political, but we “ARE” getting freedoms taken away and no one is saying or fighting to keep them except our men and women fighting in war. Brave movie producers like in this movie who are willing to take a stand for their beliefs, unlike you. Our President has already taken the name “Christmas tree” from the tree on our White House lawn and replaced it with the name “Holiday tree , because America has more “non-Christian than Christian faith believers living in America now (and he doesn’t want to offend anyone faith). He (Mr President) is already forcing health care down our throats. I agree everyone deserves some type of health care, but to penalize those who can’t afford is plain wrong. Not everyone can afford food and medicine let alone insurance. Yes, America is getting more messed up every year, but taking our freedoms away from us that millions have fought for since America was formed is wrong my friend. This movie was made on a smaller budget than most, which explains why it seemed to you “soap opera” scale. Take another look at this film and don’t look at it from a political view. Look at it like a mother or father would….just saying.

  15. justinproper says:

    By posting this I am standing up for my beliefs. I believe this was a bad movie and it is very obviously a political movie. It is impossible to see it any other way. I have seen movies with lower budgets that were far better, so budget is no excuse.

  16. justinproper says:

    I felt the same way about those characters, but I made my point without going down that road. If I had brought it up I think it would have opened a whole new can of worms. Thanks for reading!

  17. jgirolamo says:

    Of course it was a “B” movie. The quality of the film has absolutely nothing to do with it. Did you honestly miss that? You cant get Hollywood to produce these themes! The content and theme was that we are losing our freedoms. I thought it was a great depiction of what is actually going on today. It was gripping emotionally but only if you have a heart for our country, the sacrifice millions make for our freedom and understanding the power of forgiveness and the right to stand up for what you believe. If you like the fact that Christians are not tolerated but all other faiths are you would not see the point of this movie. If you dont believe that this country was founded on Christ, then you would not understand the purpose of this movie. Might I suggest you look into the reason people founded this country and the way it was conducted for hundreds of years.

  18. Dane Sager says:

    You don’t need to google “Has the government outlawed Christmas in small towns” to know that has never happened.

  19. justinproper says:

    “The Government of the United States is not in any sense founded upon the Christian Religion.” 1797 the treaty of Tripoli, signed by President Washington, and approved by the Senate of the United States

  20. Since the Republicans have declared war on woman, I have been spending a lot of my time peeking out my windows trying to see those Republikns sneeking around behind my numerous trees trying to shoot me. You have convinced me I need to get out of the house and go to this movie. Since I am of sound mind, I don’t think I’ll need to fill my car up with gasoline or go buy paint thinner before I watch the movie.

  21. jgirolamo says:

    Christianity is not outlawed but being able to display scripture, crosses, write essays about Jesus, invoke the name of Jesus or God in a graduation speech etc…has been silenced, though constitutionally still legal. the point of the film is that people are so accepting of the false claims from groups like aclu that it is wrong to have these rights, that they allow their bullying until it eventually disappears from the public period.

  22. jgirolamo says:

    You dont know your history. The quote from this treaty is taken from a 1797 treaty approved by America in the midst of our first War on Terror against Islamic terrorism. In it, the Muslims acknowledged that America was a Christian nation, and America reminded the Muslims that we were not a European Christian nation with an inherent hostility against Muslims – that is, that we were not a European, Middle-Ages type of Christian nation.

    Americas founding fathers were not perfect Christians and
    were clearly misguided, however, the us government was founded on christian
    principals and has a history of
    promoting , indorsing and promoting Christianity. In the Archives of the historical government

    Pilgrims had the mayflower compact ( read it)

    Christiopher Columbus: “it was the Lord that put
    into my mind…the Gospel must be preached in so many lands in such a short time,
    this is what convinces me. “

    The first written constitution in America: the
    fundamental orders of Connecticut: “the word of God requires that to maintain
    the peace and union of such people there should be an orderly and decent govt
    established according to God.

    New England confederation of 1643: the common
    bound between its signers was “to advance the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ
    and to enjoy the liberties of the Gospel in peace and purity”

    Read the origianl preambles of all 50 states.

    United states proclaimation of and day of thanksgiving:
    1779: ..appoint the first Thursday in May next to be a day of fasting and
    prayer to Almighty God…repentance…the word of God…”

    1878 congressional proclaimation: … to confess
    our unworthiness of the least of his favors, and to offer our fervent
    supplication to the God of all grace to cause the knowledge of Christianity to
    spread all over the earth.

    The first Supreme Court 1789. First order of business was to have communion with each other and
    then pray together for 4 hours.

    Actions of our Government during the first 200
    years: Bibles were school text books and
    were printed by the government. Our countries
    motto. Scripture on the liberty bell. The
    library of congress has statues of the apostle Paul and Moses. The Department of treasury, the ward department and Capital
    building were converted to churches on Sundays and the military marine corps
    band was the worship team.

    1787 congress ordered that the 10,000 acres of
    federal land….be set apart…for civilizing the Indians and promoting

  23. SimpleIsComplex says:

    Number 10 is interesting, “1787 congress ordered that the 10,000 acres of
    federal land….be set apart…for civilizing the Indians and promoting

    What does that mean, “Civilizing the Indians”? That means stripping them of THEIR own freedoms and beliefs so they can be “saved” by ours? And, dot dot dot “set apart” dot dot dot (text conveniently removed) means robbed of their land and resources so the white Christian man can proclaim that all men are free to speak here, that all men are free to worship the God(s) they believe in and provide for their families dot dot dot…except if you have brown skin or a non-Christian God. Take a closer look at the government, not the Christianity

    It freaks me out to think that all these people think Christianity is what makes you an American.. It truly is the Freedom that we have that make us American, not the faith we carry.
    While you have the freedom of choice to practice what you preach, teach your children to do the same, and even try to protect “the sanctity to marriage”, it is not up to you to force it on others. If this is the land of the free, then your neighbor is free to say, feel, and think what they please as well.

    Evolution is real. Maybe you don’t believe that we became humans from fish, or however people like to look at unfathomable scales of time passage and natural selection.. but in terms of our society, and our intelligence as a people, we have absolutely evolved beyond our big ol’ government trying to spread the word of Jesus Christ. If you feel like they aren’t doing their job somehow… get the kids in private schools, and get in the front seat of your child’s influence, and see how long you can control their state of mind in the world they’re growing up in, because they wont just be surrounded by like-minded people.. Jus’ sayin’

  24. enigmaDAEDAL says:

    Your arguments are not based on facts, which is actually important if you want anyone to pay attention to you. The government has never outlawed a religious holiday, and Mr. Proper did not say that freedom of expression is bad. As a matter of fact, you are attempting (poorly) to blast him for expressing his.

    You should reread your comment, and if you’re not disgusted with your own negativity, you are a lost cause.

  25. enigmaDAEDAL says:

    Is the public school system funded by taxes? Then separation of church and state actually applies. So, constitutionally, it’s a gray area, and if you allow the Christian deities to be invoked, you have to allow all deities to be invoked. So do you mention every deity that has a representative of their religion in the audience, or do you invoke none?

    The government has not banned any expression of religion in a public forum, they only seek to make it fair to the citizens who do not practice Christianity.

  26. enigmaDAEDAL says:

    I was gonna reply to that guy, but I think you covered it.

  27. enigmaDAEDAL says:

    Uh…I’m curious…how can you say that the author has a limited knowledge of anything after reading an article that he wrote based on his opinion? How can you gauge his knowledge of anything at all from a short article reviewing a terrible film?

    You can’t, so I’ll say what he won’t…stop making a fool of yourself. Oh, let the record show that I am an “Army brat” who joined the Air Force of my own volition, just to stop you from throwing ‘Merica and honor and patriotism at me.

  28. enigmaDAEDAL says:

    Every thing you say is invalidated by the fact that you watch Fox News.

  29. DivaMom says:

    You don’t address the fact that the point of the movie was our freedoms (yes, I said it, feel free to count how many times) being taken away one at a time, right under our noses, and how it’s really happening, you might want to watch the news once in a while. The motivation in the movie is to make you want to do something about that. The movie was poorly filmed, acted, whatever, because the company itself does not have a Tom Cruise movie under their belt and did what they could afford. I do not begrudge them that, and have the ability to look past the “soap opera” atmosphere, and see the true message. I wasn’t crazy about seeing it either, initially, as I, like you, abhore politics, but hating it and ignoring it are two very different things, and it sounds like you do both. People who pretend they don’t have to get involved in politics in this country are the ones who allow administrations into office that do more harm to the country than good…shame on you for thinking you were qualified to comment on this good-intentioned movie just because you saw it…and illegally, I might add. Go back to the theater, confess, and pay the money.

  30. Nick says:

    I just went to Rotten Tomatoes and saw that this “film” debuted at #15 with $1.7 million. It played in slightly over 1400 theaters. When I think of every intelligent, well-crafted, cinematic work of passion that never sees a theater screen outside of a film festival, I am beyond disgust. So as not to reduce myself to name calling, I’m just going to break the people here on this forum down into two groups: those who support this film and those who don’t. Those who do are loud, angry and determined. Now I would never tell anyone what to do or what is right but maybe now is the time for those of us who do not support this kind of film(making) to also be loud, angry and determined. I’ve already told my local theater chain (in this case, AMC) that’s showing this film (along with 2016: Obama’s America) that unless they balance the playing field with other independent titles (I had to drive 20 miles to see Cosmopolis), I will no longer support them.

  31. toby says:

    I also payed to see this movie. As an American I am dismayed that every religious group in this country can say or display whatever they want, except for Christians. Display a cross or say the name of Jesus in public and you are villified. Praise God for this movie and its message. By the way read the constitution and show me once where oue forefathers mentione a separation of church and state.

  32. Paul Ulrich says:

    I’m glad the author, Justin, gave it a fair chance. I have to agree pretty much with what he said about the production values, although I didn’t notice an over modulation of the audio, probably just my ignorance of all that. I feel that the acting and production value was in line with a modern day Hallmark movie. Its about the only thing in the theater that made me laugh… Although on the other hand I do think that the story rises above the mediocre production values or the blah acting. I guess if you like the plot, then the movie becomes digestable, if not, then I can see it making you “physically ill”. A couple points though – the hobo wasn’t Jesus, probably an angel though] – the political figure wasn’t representing Democrats I think the fact that you thought these two things says more about your feelings about Jesus and Democrats than the movie itself. So we all know more about you, and less about the movie…. But I’m OK with that – oh and I also paid to see the movie -drug a couple friends along with me. It pretty much solidified the decision for one of my friends to re-enlist, even though he has two little kids now.

  33. Jacob Tender says:

    One time I went into a movie and suspected it would be funny. It wasn’t.

  34. jgirolamo says:

    Thats actually untrue. Separation of Church and state is not in the constitution and the statement and purpose between danbury baptist church and Jefferson was to insure that the government would not intrude in the affairs of the Church. NOt the other way around. If you read another of my posts in response to this nation being a Christian nation you will see why it is fine if we invoke the name of Jesus in public schools and allow people to believe as they wish in other religions but not we do not have to allow other religions the same honor. Your is a view that is not representative of our constitution or our founding fathers actions. We live in a country that allows everyone to practice their faith freely, but since we were founded on Christianity , for our schools to reflect Christianity, is what you must accept when you choose to live here. Oh ….and to have to learn the language.

  35. jgirolamo says:

    If you dont understand what it means to help a culture become civilized, it means to teach them the ways in which you now understand as civilized. you dont have to agree with the constitution or how our country was formed but dont tell me or anyone else that keeping christianity out of our schools is constitutional. No one is expecting everyone to agree with the past but it is what it is. Being an American does not mean you are Christian but whether you like it or not it was founded on Christianity, sorry. In a free land there are still rules and marriage is one. You dont have the freedom to marry your brother or sister, mother or father. you dont have the freedom to marry a young boy , you dont have the freedom to marry two wives. Civilized society has had this rule of a man and women marrying for thousands of years. Lastly, evolution is a lie, the largest in history in my opinion. The thing is that is interesting is that when people are fighting to keep the status quo rather than change what we have know for 300 years, we are the ones that are pushing our agenda. The reality is that progressives and atheists are the ones trying to push their agenda on us. Personally I dont agree with it but I am all for people believing in wanting to change something if they do it like everyone else, go through the proper channels of making it a law or detracting a law, Dont just squieal about how intolerant or old fashion or incompassionate we are and expect us to feel like we are wrong.

  36. Criticalthinker27 says:

    Idk why so many Right wingers are against Heath care for all I mean if your like well I don’t want health care you can’t make me then you are an idiot have fun getting sick and dying from the flu I mean really use some common sense and most of you want things like the 1950s well I’m sorry us is more deverse more we should except everyone not just white Christians the constitution talks about slaves too honesty USA wasnt good for anyone but white Christians for a long time until 1960s or so I don’t wanna go back

  37. Criticalthinker27 says:

    Wow I’m glad USA changed I mean civilizing Indians my god man are all Christians like thing

  38. jgirolamo says:

    you might want to change your username.

  39. Jay Jay says:

    Your comments are just what I expected from a far left liberal elitest. Your comment that the Democrats were the intended bad guys is way off base. I did not think the movie was referring to them but to other anti-Christian organizations. There are Democrats who agree with the theme of this wonderful film. Some of you liberals just can’t handle the truth, so you put down everything in the film. Some day you are going to wake up; I hope it’s soon.

  40. Bob says:

    It was one of the best movie I have seen in my life!!!!!!!!

  41. Dean Jameson says:

    Comparing this pile of refuse to 2016 is ludicrous. While both have a very clear political message, 2016 was well-constructed and pleasant to look at on a purely aesthetic basis. Also, it was a documentary, which gives it much more of a license to be purely political.

  42. JBM says:

    I’m new to this ‘site… So, who’s ‘JustinProper’ anyway…?!? Is it his paid Job to watch Movies and offer Criticisms online? Or, is he a volunteer, offering his personal opinion here…?!? And, unless one has lived for awhile on this planet, (50+) one doesn’t realize that proper wisdom and maturity comes with age and experience, which most 20 to 30 somethings lack allot of to say the very least… Most early to late teens, forget it, they lack everything (except emotions) and are much too afraid to tell anyone about it for fear of being transparent and/or embarrassing themselves, etc…! So, one has to ask oneself IF God exists, (and He does!) what is HIS plan and purpose for mankind…?!? NOT the other way ’round! -Does the Pot say to the Potter, make me in such and in such a way, I want to look like such and so…?!? No! We are the Creation and NOT the Creator… He is omnipotent and we are not… He is in charge and we are not… Which means we all have freedoms that are intrinsically given to us by our Creator, God Almighty Himself… He tells us that we must love Him with all of our being, and love our neighbor(s) as ourselves… Therefore, demanding that we do this and that, passing un-constitutional laws demanding that we do this and that for the elite’s, power broker’s and the (self-appointed) political classes, making laws that make criminals out of non-criminals, all of it is just wrong, and we all know it, deep down inside… I don’t mind anyone expressing their opinions here or anywhere, but telling someone that God doesn’t exist, that ‘evolution’ is true is not only telling us their opinion, but preaching about their beliefs, which isn’t wrong either, just call it what it is…! Your ‘personal choice’ based upon your personal biases and clearly your negativity over allot of things you ‘hate’ in your life, and other’s around you… It also shows your ‘lack of wisdom’ and shows the ‘foolish nature’ of all of those who ‘don’t believe’ in God Almighty, as HE declares Himself to be in Holy Scripture… Those of us who have Godly wisdom and want other’s (e.g.: loving one’s neighbor) to know about God, His true character and nature and His message of Salvation and Hope in a hopeless, fallen, sin-filled world of pain, suffering and loss, realize that NO ONE outside of the Grace of God has any chance at a fulfilled, blessed life, either here or in Eternity… Then, when you factor in the ‘sin’ question: e.g.: a persons Rebellion against God, His WORD, and His Kingdom / Creation, you (we) also realize that NO ONE outside of the Grace of God has any chance at a blessed life, without the sting of DEATH, either here or in Eternity, AND an Eternity filled with pain, suffering and death that you can’t even imagine in the worst Horror Movie that you’ve ever seen, which is why Jesus referred to Hell much, much than Heaven in the Holy Scriptures… It’s real and you do NOT want to go there, nor would you ever want your ‘worst enemy’ to go their, no matter how they’ve hurt you, it’s that ‘bad’ of a place, once there, never going back, no chance of Redemption, no chance of Heaven, etc…!!! So, when someone ‘accuses’ another of ‘forcing their beliefs’ upon someone else, it’s usually a case where one is really objecting to being reminded of their fallen nature, sin and their being apart from God and His loving ways, etc… I mean, dughhhh, sneaking into a movie w/ out paying, to see something that you knew beforehand that you would object to, just to be able to reassure everyone online that it was indeed a bad movie, told us bad things and was badly produced and badly acted out only proves that you set out to do just what you did, flagrant manipulation and deceit of the facts to prove your point, etc…!!! Furthermore, it also proves that you aren’t open-minded enough to see IF such a Movie can contribute to your well-being in some manner, No, you’ve already decided that your opinion and warped view of reality is much better then God’s and you’re fully willing to show that to the whole wide world online; that you’re both a fool and a deceiver just like your father the devil…! Only YOU can prevent Forest Fires…! So, maybe God’s wisdom IS much better than your’s, e.g.: man’s, I think so, and so do millions of other’s who see this Movie for what it truly is, an appeal to all of us to see what’s true and valuable in life, what’s truly going on culturally and politically and how we are in danger of losing ALL of our freedom’s by the fallen human leader’s who could never replace God’s wisdom with there own, foolish tyranny and pride over their innocent neighbor… Oh, and let’s also tackle the question of Obama’s ‘Health Care’ plan(s) -just to explain to you and other’s that the whole problem with Gov’t FORCED ‘anything,’ weather it’s Health Care, or any sort of ‘forced’ (Legislated) Morality… Forcing someone to MANDITORILY pay for Health Care (even IF they want it or not…?!?) AND everyone else’s Health Care is a violation of both the Holy Scriptures, (the Bible) the Founding documents and the state/federal Constitution(s) and any sense of reasonable understanding of personal responsibility! I can hardly afford to pay for my own Health Care, and now YOU think it’s O.K. to ‘legally rob me’ of my hard work and earnings made personal -ly from that hard work, which is my only way of supporting MY family, (so that we don’t have to go on Welfare) is lazy, twisted and just plain WRONG in anyone’s normal understanding of the world…

  43. justinproper says:

    I just said that it was released by the same company, which is factual.

  44. justinproper says:

    This is my favorite comment ever.

  45. Dean Jameson says:

    One thin you apparently don’t learn with age is how to use proper paragraphs–and how NOT to use ellipses improperly.

  46. Dean Jameson says:

    You wrote: “…
    by the same company that created the awful 2016: Obama’s America…” Two things: 1) That certainly implies that you’re comparing the two, quality-wise, given your use of the adjective “awful”; 2) “2016” is not, in fact, “awful.” It’s a gorgeous movie to look at, even if you disagree with D’souza’s politics.

    That you call 2016 “awful” and use guilt-by-association by including a reference to it in a review of what is perhaps the worst movie I’ve ever seen (LOoC), demonstrates a lot about your own biases. I approached both as a politically-moderate Democrat. I enjoyed 2016, and hated LOoC. You clearly gave neither movie a fair shake, which I have to mention even though I happen to agree with your take on LOoC.

  47. sotiredofyouplayingthevictim says:

    have you ever left your house? No one has ever kept you from expressing your religion constantly. Get over yourself.

  48. seriously says:

    Thomas Jefferson was a proud atheist. He never wanted religion in government, and he’d rolling in his grave to think of the tea-baggers claiming to be in the same boat with him.

  49. Bill says:

    What a horrible depiction and Slant that U have put on a movie that inspired every audience I attended to literally Cry because of the message of patriotism, rights, freedoms and the thought that we can stand up for, defend & protect those inalienable rights we have under GOD. There was not a dry eye in the theater and everyone got up Cheered & Clapped for JOY! What a wonderful experience it was! Everyone I have invited since the my first viewing had a similar experience! Either U R non-Patirotic, Heartless or Unstudied on American History! Our Founding Fathers fought 4 freedom at all Cost & Peril to have the right to Worship GOD according to the Dictates of their own Concience! My stomach turns when I hear some ungrateful person like yourself who was given such a priceless gift as freedom by men & women of this great land whose blood was poured out upon this and distant lands to receive freedom & to maintain it! U deserve your freedom if this the way you feel. Yes, and with all my heart I say that our freedom was founded under GOD and that Jesus & God were who our Forefathers worshiped! I believe that this film, next to any ones religious affiliation is the next greatest thing that all need to watch!!!

    A message to ALL:

    What do you feel about the United States of America?

    A Test. Find an American Flag – then place your hand
    over your heart – and while looking directly at the Flag – think of all that
    your freedom means to you and your patriotic fellow citizens – think about all
    those in the intervening years since the inception of the Constitution that
    have sacrificed their all for this free land – and then say these words:

    I pledge
    allegiance to the flag of The United States of
    America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one
    nation, under God, Indivisible, with Liberty
    and Justice for All.

    If these words
    do not stir any feelings within your breast, then you are not a Patriotic

    If, however,
    you feel the warm tingly feeling that I feel at the truth and validity of these
    words and feel the sensation that you would give your all for this great
    country and the principles upon which it was founded – then you are a Patriotic

    If you are not
    a Patriotic American – please read the Constitution, study about your
    forefathers, learn until you feel as you should towards your country and flag.
    If this does not work – and you still do not feel patriotic – then you are the
    enemy. “A Man or Woman chooses every day whether or not they are patriotic
    – whether or not they like it”! – Bill Cardin

    If you are a Patriotic American, then choose you
    this day whom you will serve and what you will do to keep sacred and safeguard
    The Constitution and Bill of Rights of The United States of America.

  50. Kaly says:

    I never leave comments on these kind of things, but I feel I must. I am a Christian, that is true. However, I also have friends who are not Christians as well as those who are homosexuals. I went to see this movie with my army infantry son. My son loved it and so did I. This movie is not just about Christian rights, it is about all rights. It is true that it seems to those of us who are Christians that we are the only ones allowed to be offended. We can’t pray in school because it might offend, we can’t say Merry Christmas because it might offend. Christianity aside, this movie was about our rights. ALL RIGHTS My son and others in the military do sacrifice so much to keep us free. Yet, right now in New York City you are no longer allowed to buy large soft drinks. Cigarette prices (no I don’t smoke, but it is a right) are climbing, We no longer can buy super size fries, etc. Yet we all sit back and say the government is helping us or trying to make us healthier. The thing is, we live in this country to be free. We decide what we want to eat or drink and if we get fat it’s our fault, not the store that sells the stuff. Come on people don’t you get it???? How long are we going to let this go on? Do we want the government to tell us what we can watch, too?? What we can say??? Christian or not we all deserve to be free in this country. Look around. Think about what you could do or buy ten years ago compared to now. We should not be offended by Merry Christmas or Happy Halloween or whatever people want to say. We should be allowed to buy and eat what we want and speak how we want regardless of our religion, color, or anything else. We are all human and we live here for a reason. Open your eyes and look at what the government is doing. Bigger government, smaller people…that is what is going on, but everyone is to over stimulated by their phones, ipods, computers, etc to even notice or care about the freedoms being stripped away. Five years from now if things don’t change, where do you think we will be????? Do we really want the government controlling our healthcare? Maybe deciding who will and wont live? Just Think. This movie was about freedoms….yes, it had Christian beliefs in the movie, but it was about freedom….Yours, mine, and our children’s. Freedom. Our loved ones are dying for it….because they believe in it. My son signed up with infantry knowing what could happen. Why??? Because he loves his country and what it stands for. So stop arguing about the religion aspect. Everyone has their own beliefs and that is what this country is about.